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Can you not understand that it will hurt her good name if you should go away suddenly without taking leave of her? And she she is ill and she may not be able to bear your departure. Drahomir. I do not see any remedy Doctor. There is only one. Otherwise it will be a heavy blow for her strength. You must leave her hope. She must not suspect anything.

Perhaps later she will become accustomed to your absence perhaps she will forget Drahomir. It will be better for her to forget. Doctor. I will do my best, but I shall first throw a handful of earth on your memory. Drahomir. What shall I do, then? Doctor. Then come back and go away. Mr. Pretwic also must not know anything. Drahomir. When shall I bid her good-bye? Doctor. In a moment. I told her.

Prove to me that I am mistaken and I will kneel before you. Doctor. You are mistaken, because Drahomir is going away. George. He is going away. Then I can live without such tortures, I may hope! But he is not going away forever. He said he would return. George. You put me on the cross again. Doctor. Come to your senses and do not let yourself be carried away by madness. At any rate you gain time.

It seems to me that he made some mention of a monument which they would erect for me. But pray believe that the fire was quenched by George and his people. I think they ought to erect two monuments. Czeska. I know that you are worthy of each other. Stella. Thank God that you have not met with some more serious accident. Drahomir. I have met with something very pleasant your sympathy.

You are all proud of the fact that your ancestors, the knights, killed so many people. But if the prince knew how many people I have killed with my prescriptions! I can guarantee you that none of Your Highness's ancestors can be proud of such great number. Drahomir. Bravo. Very good! Prince. And he is my doctor! Stella. Papa! The doctor is joking. Prince. Thanks for such jokes.

Truly, I am very glad, especially after what I have heard here about you. Drahomir. You are the good spirit of this house. Stella. Oh, yes! Prince. Let me tell you my opinion of him. George. How often the best student, Jozwowicz, helped Pretwic with his exercises. Doctor. You have a good memory, sir. George. Very good, indeed, for then we did not call each other "sir."

Because I know what you would say about her social position, but hearts are equal, so it does not matter. Then how did it happen that you, being so near the princess, did not What? Drahomir. I cannot find an expression. Doctor. But I have found it. You are asking me why I did not fall in love with her? Drahomir. I hesitated to pronounce the too bold word. Doctor.

Miliszewski wished to challenge Pretwic. Stella. For Heaven's sake! Doctor. You must laugh with me. If there were anything dreadful I would not frighten you, princess. Drahomir. And what has been the end of it? Doctor. I was angry with Mr. Pretwic for taking the matter so seriously. Drahomir. How could he help it? Doctor. But it would be shameful for a man like Mr.

You can win her heart back again. George. No it is done. I am sinking into a precipice. Doctor. Everything will be straightened out by his absence. But did you not tell me that he will return? Doctor. Listen: I agree with you that you have repaid Drahomir for the services of saving your life with your tortures.

Any one would be happy with her, and to every one one might give the advice to search for some one like her. Stella. Drahomir. What is the matter with you? Drahomir. You here? I am searching for papa. Excuse me, sir, I must go. Drahomir. Prince. Finally Jozwowicz. She has tormented me until now. Good gracious! Ah, it is you, Drahomir. Drahomir. Yes, prince. Who tormented you? Prince.