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And what about Miliszewski? Doctor. I have sent him to his mamma. He is a good boy. Stella. I shall scold Mr. Pretwic, nevertheless. Drahomir. But you must not be too severe. Stella. You are laughing, gentlemen. I am sorry that it was necessary to explain the matter to Mr. Pretwic. Drahomir. Doctor. Drahomir. The princess is a true angel. Doctor.

I must prevent the adventure from going too far. Anton. I wanted to tell you that I must buy some food for my children. I will return the money later on. Is it all right? Doctor. How can you ask? Stella and Drahomir. Stella. That walk tired me. Where is Mr. Pretwic? Drahomir. Young Miliszewski asked to speak to him a moment. The countess is speaking to the prince.

The Countess Miliszewski. My dear boy, how can he be a member of parliament when he is so densely stupid! Drahomir. It is true. Prince. Don't you see! And then she proposed to marry him to Stella. The idea! She is already betrothed. But of course they did not know. Drahomir. How did you get rid of her? Prince. The doctor helped me out.

We do not bribe. But no matter about that. What good luck that they put up Miliszewski for a candidate. Otherwise you would be lost because Husarski would have had the majority. Doctor. Anton, I am sure that we will be defeated. Anton. No! What am I for? Uf! How tired I am. Good gracious! how soft the furniture is here. We must donate some money for some public purpose. Have you any money?

If you are guilty we will crush you. We have elected you; now you must serve. Anton! Anton. Quiet. In the evening you must appear before the electors. Good-bye, Mr. Jozwowicz. He is the first. Jozwowicz. Jan Miliszewski. Pst! Doctor. Who is there? Jan. It is I, Miliszewski. Are you alone? Doctor. You may enter. What then? Jan. Everything is over. He did not live five minutes.

To the deuce with such business. I had better try elsewhere, to serve the Doctor. He pays because he has common sense. And as he will bite them, then I will rise in consideration. Podczaski. Jozwowicz. Podczaski. Your servant, sir. Doctor. What can I do for you? Podczaski. Well, sir, I am going to come right to the point. You know what services I have rendered the Countess Miliszewski? Doctor.

I understand how a similar situation would be painful to a man who was in love, but such is not the case with the count. He will console himself if his mother orders it. Stella. Sometimes one may be mistaken about people. Drahomir. Do you speak about me or Miliszewski? Stella. Let us say it is about you. They told me that you were a mirror of all perfections. Drahomir.

If you had not come the last time, you would have lost the battle, because Miliszewski has withdrawn and his partisans vote for Husarski. Podczaski is good for nothing. Your speech in the city hall was splendid. May thunder strike you! Your address was admired even by your enemies. Oh, we will at last be able to do something.

It seems that their conversation is very animated because the countess did not know that you were betrothed, and she had some designs on you. But pray excuse me; I laugh and you suffer by it. Stella. I would laugh too if I did not know how much it troubles my father. And then, I pity Count Miliszewski. Drahomir.

You have plenty of words in your mouth, but you lack strength you cannot face facts. Who would dare say: You have no right to defend yourself? Good-bye. Doctor. Where are you going? Anton. I return to the city. Doctor. Are you with me or against me? Anton. I am an honest man. A messenger brought this letter from Miliszewski. Doctor. Give it to me. Anton.