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He is twice a doctor he is an intelligent man. One can see that by merely looking at him. Stella. Very much so. Czeska. So intelligent that I am afraid of him. Drahomir. But the prince must be satisfied. Prince. Satisfied, satisfied! He has lost his common sense. He became a democrat a sans culotte. But he is a good doctor, and I am sick. I have some stomach trouble. Drahomir.

Bayards are not appreciated nowadays. Czeska. Providence is above all. Drahomir. I believe it also. Doctor. Were I a mathematician, without contradicting you I would say that, as in many cases we do not know what X equals, we must take care of ourselves. Prince. What are you saying? Stella. Doctor, pray do not talk so sceptically, or there will be a war not with papa, but with me. Doctor.

If that is so, he is a very precious man. Stella. We owe him eternal gratitude. He will also be necessary to Pretwic. What, Stella, will he not? Papa, how can I know that? Drahomir. Truly, I sometimes envy those stalwart men. During the battle they strengthen in themselves the force which lessens and disappears in us, because nothing nourishes it.

Once he was in great peril, and he owes his life to Count Drahomir. But how dearly he loves him for it. Well, my fiancé bears the marks of distant deserts, long solitudes, and deep sufferings. But when he begins to tell me of his life, it seems that I truly love that stalwart man.

How is she? Doctor. Better. I allowed her to leave bed because she and Drahomir asked me to. George. Drahomir? Doctor. Yes. He wishes to talk with her. They will be here in a quarter of an hour. George. Jozwowicz, I am choking with wrath and pain. Drahomir avoids me. Doctor. But you do not suspect him. George.

But now you are aware of it. Drahomir. That is the reason why I am going away from here forever. Doctor. It is too late, sir. You have tangled her life and now you leave her. Drahomir. For God's sake, what shall I do, then? Doctor. Go away, but not forever, and not without telling her good-bye. Drahomir. Why should I add the last drop to an already overflowing cup? Doctor. A beautiful phrase.

I will leave Drahomir he will replace me. Stella. To be angry with you would be to make you conceited. But you must tell me why you are going. George. The people who have lost their homes by fire are in my house. I must give some orders and provide for their necessities. He is sacrificing pleasure to duty. Stella. What is it? Czeska.

George loves her dearly. Doctor. I do not doubt it, but their natures are so different. Her thoughts and sentiments are as delicate as cobweb and George? Have you noticed how hurt she was that he accepted the challenge? Drahomir. Why did you tell her about it? Doctor. I was wrong. Therefore George Drahomir. Will be happy with her. Doctor.

She would marry him if it killed her to keep her word. But there is a third person entangled in the matter Count Drahomir. Anton. At every step one meets a count! He betrays Pretwic? Doctor. What a blockhead you are. Anton. Well, frankly speaking, I do not care one whit for your drawing-room affairs. Doctor. Drahomir and she do not know that they love each other.

Then Mr. Pretwic knows nothing about it as yet? Drahomir. No; but why do you ask? I must act now otherwise everything is lost. Listen to me. I beseech you, for the sake of the peace and health of the princess, not to mention to any one that you are going away. Neither to the Prince nor to Mr. Pretwic. Drahomir. I do not understand you. Doctor. You will understand me.