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Then let us shake hands in farewell. I can assure you that you have a friend in me. Friendship is like an immortal it is a pale flower, but does not wither. May God guide you and protect you. The heart of a sister will follow you everywhere. Remember Drahomir. Farewell. Stella. Farewell. Then suddenly turns. You are going forever. Drahomir. Have mercy on me. Stella. Are you going away forever?

No matter what happens I shall consider you a villain if you place her life in peril by any outburst. George. Granted. Where shall we go? Doctor. On the piazza. But you have fever you are already shaking. George. I am out of breath. Some one is coming. Let us be going. Drahomir. Then Stella. Drahomir. The last evening and the last time. The Doctor told me that you wished to see me. Drahomir.

At least do not torture me any longer, but tell me, who is he? Stella. You must guess, my dear mother. Czeska. As long as you call me mother, you must not make me wait. Stella. But I wish you to guess and tell me. Naturally it is he and not another. Believe me, it will flatter and please me. Czeska. Count Drahomir, then. Stella. Ah! Czeska. You are blushing. It is true.

Finally I seized hold of my salamander, fainting with fear, and carried her out, not even through a window, but through the door. George. But you omitted to say that the roof fell in and that a spar struck your hand. Drahomir. True and I destroyed the dam of my modesty, and will add that one of the selectmen of the village made a speech in my honor.

Be calm. You are very much in love indeed. No matter! Stella. That confidence in the future is exactly what I need some of your optimism. I knew that you would frown and say: No matter! I am now more happy. Only I am afraid of our doctor. Mr. Pretwic and Count Drahomir. Since when is he with Mr. Pretwic? For the past two weeks. Mr. Pretwic has invited him. They are coming. Czeska.

If you meet a servant, tell him that I am waiting for Count Drahomir. Jozwowicz then Drahomir. Let that golden-haired page go, but he must see her before he goes. This leave-taking shall be the red flag for the bull. Is Mr. Pretwic in the château? Drahomir. He is with the prince. Doctor. Count, be seated, and let us talk. I am listening, sir. Doctor. You are in love with the princess. Drahomir.

Czeska went to the chapel and I escaped. Do you approve? Doctor. I cannot help it, princess, although I would like to scold you like a disobedient child. A few moments ago some one else begged for you also. Stella. Who was it? Doctor. Count Drahomir. And he begged so earnestly that I promised him that I would allow you to leave the bed.

Ah, it is you, George. George. Do not approach me. I have seen all. You are a villain and a coward. Drahomir George! George. In order not to soil my hand, I throw in your face our broken friendship, my trampled happiness, lost faith in God and man, endless contempt for you and myself. Drahomir. Enough. George.

Yes, madam. Pray forgive my boldness. A very important affair calls me home. I come to bid you good-bye. Stella. You are going away? Drahomir. To day I am going to Swietlenice, to-morrow still further. Stella. Yes, it is necessary. Drahomir. Life has flown like a dream it is time to wake up. Stella. Shall we see each other again? Drahomir. If God permits it. Stella.

Jozwowicz, Stella. Then Drahomir. Stella. How is my father's health? Doctor. All that can be expected. But you are pale, princess. Stella. Oh, I am well. Doctor. It is the consequence of the betrothal. Stella. It must be. Doctor. But health requires one to be merry to enjoy life. Stella. I do not wish for any other distraction. Doctor. If not distraction, at least enjoyment.