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'She took her knife to me, growled the wounded man, who had risen to his feet, and showed bleeding fingers. 'Ay, for meddling with a royal falcon, broke in Jean. ''Tis thou, false loon, whose craig should be raxed. Happily this was an unknown tongue to the foresters, and Sir Patrick gravely silenced her. 'Whist, lady, brawls consort not with your rank. Gang back doucely to my leddy.

"Whist, Steenie, whist!" cried James. "Didna ye see her yoursel' this morning?" he added, in a low tone. "Ah! I recollect ye werena at the chase. Aweel, I hae conferred wi' her, an am sair perplexed i' the matter. She is a well-faur'd lassie as ony i' the realm, and answers decorously and doucely. Sooth to say, her looks and manners are mightily in her favour."

But then came the splore about the surrendering your papers and we hae now gude evidence, that, sae soon as he was compelled to yield them up, he rade post to Stirling, and tauld the Government all and mair than all, that was gaun doucely on amang us hill-folk; and, doubtless, that was the way that the country was laid to take his Excellency and the leddy, and to make sic an unexpected raid on me.

He is one of those soft, gentle creatures, that come into the world with what your canting fools call a mission; and his mission is to take care of number one. Not dishonestly, mind you, nor violently, nor rudely, but doucely and calmly. The care a brute like me takes of his vitals, that care Lusignan takes of his outer cuticle. His number one is a sensitive plant.

An honest wife she is, but sair she's been trysted wi' misfortunes, the loss o' twa decent lads o' sons, in the time o' the persecution, as they ca' it nowadays; and doucely and decently she has borne her burden, blaming nane and condemning nane. If there's an honest woman in the world, it's Bessie Maclure.

Na, na he hings his sword on the cleek, lays his beaver on the shelf, puts his pedigree into his pocket, and gangs as doucely and cannily about his peddling craft as if his blood was nae better than ditch-water; but let our pedlar be transformed, as I have kend it happen mair than ance, into a bein thriving merchant, then ye shall have a transformation, my lords.

"Well, I like young men to be quiet," said Sandy Toddle. "I would rather have them a wee soft than rollickers." "Not I!" said the baker. "If I had a son, I would rather an ill deil sat forenenst me at the table than parratch in a poke. Ye mind what he said o' Prince Geordie: 'Yet mony a ragged cowte's been known To mak a noble aiver; And ye may doucely fill a throne, For a' their clishmaclaver.

Here, however, Mrs. Halfpenny became scandalised at such laughter in the open street; and, perceiving some one in the distance, she carried off Primrose, and enjoined the others to walk on doucely and wiselike.

An honest wife she is, but sair she's been trysted wi' misfortunes, the loss o' twa decent lads o' sons, in the time o' the persecution, as they ca' it nowadays; and doucely and decently she has borne her burden, blaming nane and condemning nane. If there's an honest woman in the world, it's Bessie Maclure.

He bestowed a paternal kiss on her brow, and glided doucely away before she could possibly cry again. The very next week Rosa was at Kent Villa, with the relics of her husband about her; his chair, his writing-table, his clock, his waste-paper basket, a very deep and large one. She had them all in her bedroom at Kent Villa. Here the days glided quietly but heavily.