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Seems she on a Bed? then she's reposing, and you must not gaze. Doct. Now a Cloud veils her from me. Char. She saw you peeping then, and drew the Curtain of the Air between. Doct. I am all Rapture, Sir, at this rare Vision is't possible, Sir, that I may ever hope the Conversation of so divine a Beauty? Char.

Enter Cinthio, from the Closet, pulls Charmante out, they not knowing each other. Cin. Oh, this perfidious Woman! No marvel she was so surpriz'd and angry at my Approach to Night. Cha. Doct. Enter Scaramouch with a Light, and seeing the two Lovers there, runs against his Master, puts out the Candle, and flings him down and falls over him.

Those of our subscribers who wish to pay their subscriptions in wood will please favor us immediately. Professional ethics was not quite so tender a subject in those days as it is at present, for John Allen announces in 1835 that he maintains a law office for the convenience of his clients where he may be sought in consultation, while "Doct.

Here, here, fear nothing, hold by each other, that when I go out, all may go; that is, slip out, when you hear the Doctor is come in again, which he will certainly do, and all depart to your respective Lodgings. Cin. And leave thee to bear the Brunt? Scar. Take you no care for that, I'll put it into my Bill of Charges, and be paid all together. Enter the Doctor with Pistols, and Peter. Doct.

Williamson, with the remainder of the regiment, together with the wounded, set out at the same time that Crawford did, went through the town without losing a man, and by the help of good guides arrived at their homes in safety. The next day after the engagement the Indians disposed of all their prisoners to the different tribes, except Col. Crawford and Doct.

About six a Clock, Sir. Doct. Then 'tis about the Hour that the great Monarch of the Upper World enters into his Closet; Mount, mount the Telescope. Scar. What to do, Sir? Doct. I understand, at certain moments critical, one may be snatch'd of such a mighty consequence, to let the Sight into the Secret Closet. Scar.

And in this same instant the stunned assemblage realized that Jeff Poindexter, by nimble maneuvering, had thrust himself between the retreating figure and the exit, and Jeff was crying out: "Not dis way out, Doct' Duvall. Not dis way! The one you married down below Macon is waitin' fur you behin' dis do'!"

I'll leave the Rogue to his own Management. Har. You have it, Friend. Does your Niece and Daughter drink, Sir? Doct. Drink, Sir? Har. Ay, Sir, drink hard? Doct. Do the Women of your World drink hard, Sir? Har. According to their Quality, Sir, more or less; the greater the Quality, the more profuse the Quantity. Doct.

"But dis yere lodge is gwine have a more 'portant puppose 'en jes' to fune'lize de daid," protested Sister Eldora. "We aims to do somethin' fur de livin' whilst yet dey's still alive. Curious you ain't tuck notice of de signs of de times ez dey's been expounded 'mongst de people by Doct' Duvall. He sho' kin 'splain things in a way to mek you a true believer."

After long searching, watching, fasting, praying, and using all the virtuous means in Nature, whereby we solely do attain the highest Knowledge in Philosophy; it was resolv'd, by strong Intelligence you were the happy Sire of that bright Nymph, that had infascinated, charm'd, and conquer'd the mighty Emperor Iredonozor, the Monarch of the Moon. Doct. Char.