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"What is it yees have diskivered?" "Sign, or ye may shoot me." "Sign o' what?" "Injins, ye wood-head! What else could I mean?" Teddy now approached and narrowly examined the ground. His knowledge of wood-craft had been considerably increased during the past month or two, and he had no difficulty in distinguishing the imprint of a moccasin.

While he was speaking, Larry O'Neil sat pondering something in his mind. "Mister McLeod," said he, when Ned concluded, "will ye shew me the body o' this man? faix, I'm of opinion I can prove the murder; but, first of all, how is the black villain to be diskivered?" "No difficulty about that. He is even now in the colony. I saw him in a gambling-house half-an-hour since.

"All the same," said Captain Corbet, "ony I believe it was named after the man that diskivered it fust, an his name was Holt." "But it's a French name," said Tom; "Ile Haute means high island." "Wal, mebbe he was a Frenchman," said Captain Corbet. "I won't argufy I dare say he was. There used to be a heap o' Frenchmen about these parts, afore we got red of 'em."

We diskivered elephints wid dacoits under their bellies, an', what wid wan thing an' another, we was busy till mornin' takin' possession av the town of Lungtungpen. "Thin we halted an' formed up, the wimmen howlin' in the houses an' Lift'nint Brazenose blushin' pink in the light av the mornin' sun. 'Twas the most ondasint p'rade I iver tuk a hand in.

"What discovery have you made now?" inquired young Millbanks, who, together with the others, pressed eagerly around Boone to hear his answer. "Why I've diskivered what I war most afeard on," answered the woodsman. "I've diskivered that the varmints have divided, for the sake of giving us trouble, or leading us astray from them as they cares most about.

"Da'tter of my old friend what diskivered this here mine an' then lost it. Killed, he was, by a gunman, twenty years gone. Gents, say howdy to the lady!" His two companions gaped and stared upward at the strange figure. The standing men, awkwardly and with a muttered word or two, backed away from the table, alert and watchful. Women meant danger in such a community.

"Tea at twopence a pound an' sugar to match not to mention molasses and baccy, you ignorant nigger!" said Benjy; "pass the biscuits." "An' now, massa Alf," said Butterface with an eager look, "we's diskivered dis open sea eh!" "Well, it seems as if we had."

"All these facts now bein' diskivered," said the Little Giant, "I think we've shook off them Sioux fur good, though thar ain't no tellin' when we'll run afoul another bunch. But we'll take the good things the moment hez give us, an' look fur what we need, wood, water an' grass." "Wood we have all about us," said Will.

"What folks want now is a detective story. Feller sees a hole in a fence an' says, 'Ha! there's ben a murder! Somebody asks what makes him think so, an' the detective feller says, takin' out a magnifie-in' glass, 'Thet hole's a bullet-hole, an' the traces o' blood aroun' the edges shows the bullet went through a human body afore it went through the fence. 'Then, says some one, 'where's the body? 'That, says the detective, 'is what we mus' diskiver. So the story goes on to show how the body were diskivered an' who did the murderin'."

"Yes, sir," continued my old friend the boatswain, believing it best to push the matter home, now he had once introduced me on the carpet; "and he begged me to tell you, sir, as how he'd left his chart on the cabin sky-light, where he'd jotted down summat as he'd diskivered when taking the sun, before the rumpus arose 'twixt him and Muster Macdougall."