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He is a questioning man. He is questioning things that no one questions buildings, crowds, windows. And there is some sort of answer inside him. "What you talking to me for?" The newspaper man smiles disarmingly at this sudden inquiry. "Oh, I don't know," he says. "Saw you standing still. You looked different. Wondered, you know. Just kind of thought to say hello."

He looked crestfallen, his kindly and well-favoured countenance being overspread by an expression of disarmingly innocent penitence. "It weighed on me. I should be glad to be able to forget it, but now it's all cropping up again.

Johnny introduces Oliver and Ted to everybody but Peter the three were classmates shepherds his flock with a few disarmingly personal insults to prevent stiffness closing down again over the four that have already got to talking at the arrival of the two newcomers, and marshals them out to the terrace where they are to have dinner.

His neck was grossly heavy and bovine, but his forehead was broad and his eyes disarmingly frank and blue. His mouth, too, fell into the kindly lines of a perpetual smile. His clothing was rough and his neck collarless, but one forgot this and noted only the suavity of his bearing and the ingratiating quality of his voice.

Casey grinned disarmingly. "Me ketchum heap jam for Injun Jim. Heap silk shirts. Me go tellum," he said. "Are those they?" the young squaw inquired calmly, and pointed to William. Casey jumped. Any man would, hearing that impeccable sentence issue from the lips of a squaw with a blanket over her head. "Uh-huh," he gulped. "My father is dead.

She pushed back her sun-bonnet and with it a mass of red-brown hair that curled damply on her forehead, and smiled disarmingly. "Buddy would be the happiest baby boy alive if I could let him drive now and then!" she added humorously. "Can't make a wagon and an extra yoke of oxen out of this cactus patch," Bob Birnie grinned good humoredly. "Not even to tickle Buddy.

Hergesheimer with an artistic passion for "words as disarmingly simple as the leaves of spring as simple and as lovely in pure color about the common experience of life and death"; and more than anything else this conflict explains the presence in all but his finest work of occasional heavy elements which weight it down and the presence in his most popular narratives of a constant lift of beauty and lucidity which will not let them sag into the average.

Sunset was getting all fussed up over me and I thought I'd give them a chance to settle their nerves; loss of sleep sure plays hell with folks when their nerves are getting frazzly." He smiled disarmingly at Mason. "I'd kinda lost track of you, Ches, till I got your letter. I've been traveling pretty swift, and that's no lie. I meant to write, but you know how a man gets to putting things off.

There was nothing like that emotion now. But as Johnny Shannon’s gaze flitted from Topham to the Kentuckian, Drew was once more aware that, whatever he might outwardly seem, Johnny Shannon was no boy. Behind that disarmingly youthful façade was another person altogether. "Kirby, ain’t it?" Shannon smiled. "Understand I got outta line th’ other night ... stepped on a lotta toes."

He tried, and the croak of a clogged throat would have held as much meaning as the disharmonious thrust of thought that began in chaos and ended in futility. Abashed, he would not try again. Silence crept around him, the silence of isolation. The most disarmingly hesitant, the most reassuringly inoffensive of thoughts touched as lightly as a breath and was accepted as his own.