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Beatrice looked at him disapprovingly. "If you had gone to college it might have made a great difference," she said. "Possibly," he admitted; "but I'll let the rest of the boys wait on the fishes. Did you go to domestic science this morning?" "Yes, it was omelet. Mine was like leather. The gas stove makes my head ache.

You'd ought to save up a good deal." "You don't realize how much it costs to live in New York, aunt. Of course, if I lived here, I could live on half the sum, but I have to pay high prices for everything in New York." "You don't need to spend such a sight on dress," said Deborah, disapprovingly. "I beg your pardon, Aunt Deborah; that's where you are mistaken.

Torn by deep and conflicting feelings she threw back her head, brushed her hair off her face, and cried: "Let me go now; I can bear it no longer!" "So soft-hearted?" asked he, and shook his head disapprovingly. "Life rages more wildly round the throne than in an artist's home. You will have to learn to swim through the roaring torrent with me.

We noticed a dyspeptic-looking clergyman, evidently of a bilious temperament, eying us very steadily and disapprovingly the first day, and in a quiet way we warned each other that, in due time, he would give us a sermon on the sin of card playing. Sitting alone, early next morning, he seated himself by my side, and asked me if I would allow him to express his opinion on card playing.

"There's something sweet and touching in this melancholy music, I like it, Mr. Gusher," she said, pausing and looking up in his face tantalizingly; "don't you?" Mr. Gusher shook his head disapprovingly, and shrugged his shoulders. "No, no, miz; I nevare like ze funeral music. I go to ze funeral of my friend wiz music like zat." "I am very sorry to hear you say so, Mr. Gusher.

"It is much to be regretted," she had said, disapprovingly; "but it is exactly what I foresaw from the first, and you will have to make the best of it." And then, on Dolly's modestly suggesting that they intended to do so, and were not altogether borne down to the earth by the heavy nature of their calamity, she had openly shuddered.

At that instant the sprightly Feltons dashed pell mell down the steps and across the lawn homeward, shrieking something unintelligible to Mrs. King as they passed. "Rather skittish," observed Mr. Blithers, glaring after them disapprovingly. "They are dears," said Mrs. King. "The er Prince attracted by either one of 'em?" he queried. "He barely knows them, Mr. Blithers." "I see.

Maslenikoff disapprovingly shook his head, went to the table and on a sheet of paper with a printed letter-head wrote in a bold hand: "The bearer, Prince Dmitri Ivanovich Nekhludoff, is hereby permitted to visit the prisoners, Maslova and Bogodukhovskaia, now detained in the prison," and signed his name to it with a broad flourish. "You will see now what order there is in prison.

Figgers over a thousand dollars don't mean much to me." Gray searched the speaker's face with a speculative gaze. "It's mostly liquid, I presume." There was a pause. "I mean it's in cash or the equivalent?" "Oh, sure! These bonds an' stocks an' things " Briskow shook his head disapprovingly. "Land ain't any too safe, either.

Its planes, he regretted, seemed merely sheets of rain, specked foolishly with pine-needles. He awoke to a subdued noise of voices in the barn below and wondered disapprovingly if the farmer was just getting home. It appeared that he was getting up. Horribly depressed and sorry for him, Kenny went to sleep again. When he awoke the sun was laughing iridescently from meadow trails of rain.