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Then Glaucus son of Hippolochus, and the son of Tydeus went into the open space between the hosts to fight in single combat. When they were close up to one another Diomed of the loud war-cry was the first to speak. "Who, my good sir," said he, "who are you among men? I have never seen you in battle until now, but you are daring beyond all others if you abide my onset.

Go! yet stay thou hast not spent all the moneys I gave thee for the marketing? "All!" alas! the nightingales' tongues and the Roman tomacula, and the oysters from Britain, and sundry other things, too numerous now to recite, are yet left unpaid for. But what matter? every one trusts the Archimagirus of Diomed the wealthy! 'Oh, unconscionable prodigal! what waste! what profusion! I am ruined!

'But tell me, said a corpulent citizen, who was groaning and wheezing under the operation of being rubbed down, 'tell me, O Glaucus! evil chance to thy hands, O slave! why so rough? tell me ugh ugh! are the baths at Rome really so magnificent? Glaucus turned, and recognized Diomed, though not without some difficulty, so red and so inflamed were the good man's cheeks by the sudatory and the scraping he had so lately undergone.

'Thy sake, unhappy Congrio! interrupted Diomed; and by what purloined moneys of mine, by what reserved filchings from marketing, by what goodly meats converted into grease, and sold in the suburbs, by what false charges for bronzes marred, and earthenware broken hast thou been enabled to make them serve thee for thy sake? 'Nay, master, do not impeach my honesty! May the gods desert me if...

Then he was afraid and said to Diomed, "Son of Tydeus, turn your horses in flight; see you not that the hand of Jove is against you? To-day he vouchsafes victory to Hector; to-morrow, if it so please him, he will again grant it to ourselves; no man, however brave, may thwart the purpose of Jove, for he is far stronger than any."

And the merchant said that he was sailing from Troy to his home, and that chancing to come to the island, and knowing that the Prince was there, he judged it well to tell him his news; 'twas briefly this, that Phoenix and the sons of Theseus had sailed, having orders from the sons of Atreus that they should bring the Prince back; and also that Ulysses and Diomed were gone on another errand, even to fetch some one of whom the rulers had need.

'An additional reason for supping with him while the sesterces last. Next year, Diomed, we must find another Glaucus. 'He is fond of the dice, too, I hear. 'He is fond of every pleasure; and while he likes the pleasure of giving suppers, we are all fond of him. 'Ha, ha, Clodius, that is well said! Have you ever seen my wine-cellars, by-the-by? 'I think not, my good Diomed.

As it was, Ione was saved, and she and her lover were then and for ever reconciled to one another. III. The Love Philtre Clodius had not spoken without warrant when he had said that Julia, the daughter of the rich merchant Diomed, thought herself in love with Glaucus. But since Glaucus was denied to her, her thoughts were concentrated on revenge.

"My child," said he, "it has not been given you to be a warrior. Attend, henceforth, to your own delightful matrimonial duties, and leave all this fighting to Mars and to Minerva." Thus did they converse. But Diomed sprang upon Aeneas, though he knew him to be in the very arms of Apollo. Not one whit did he fear the mighty god, so set was he on killing Aeneas and stripping him of his armour.

Go fearless onward, Diomed, to meet the Trojan darts, where the imperative "meet" might be expected. The crowd I shall not relate nor name, where one would expect "I could not relate nor name." Mars would then be lost, for "was lost." Her I release not till her youth be fled, instead of "shall flee." Where truly were the unfailing cisterns, and bright water wells up free from beneath,