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"They're there, and in possession." "Nonsense!" snorted Barkley. "How much title have they got? You say yourself they've never filed a town-site plat. We can go in there and take the town away from under their feet, and they can't help themselves. More than that, I'll bet there's not one mining claim out of fifty that we can't 'adverse' in the courts and take away from its dinky locater.

We spent one evening at least during that reading party upon the Pinky Dinky; we sat about our one fire after a walk in the rain it was our only wet day smoked our excessively virile pipes, and elaborated the natural history of the Pinky Dinky. We improvised a sort of Pinky Dinky litany, and Hatherleigh supplied deep notes for the responses.

I intend to cure you of the work habit. You must learn to scorn it. Look at me. I'm an example of the unearned increment. We'll kiss this dinky flat a fond farewell it's impossible, really I refuse to share such a dark secret with you. To-morrow we leave it for the third and last time. What d'you say to the sunny side of the Ritz until we decide where we want to travel?"

"Well, Mister Whimple," he said, "when that bunch was here once last season for a series of five games, my Pa took their stuff from the station up to the hotel in one of his express wagons, and I was with him, so, of course, I helped to lift the stuff off the wagon, and when I'm through the same manager what they have this year slips something into my hand and I thought it was a dime, and he says to me, 'I hate to give a Canuck anything, he says, 'but you are a bright chap, only don't spend it all at once, and when he goes into the hotel I opens up my hand, and there's one of them dinky little American cents.

Anything less than one hundred and sixty acres was small scale." "Just the same," Billy held stubbornly, "large scale's a whole lot better'n small scale like all these dinky gardens." Saxon sighed. "I don't know which is the dinkier," she observed finally, " owning a few little acres and the team you're driving, or not owning any acres and driving a team somebody else owns for wages."

It was a bully place, I will say that, with plenty of light from a lot of small dinky windows that faced on three sides of the room. Owen had fixed it up in good taste in the bargain. He must have plenty of spending money, because there were lots of traps around, from a pair of expensive snow shoes hanging on the wall to a splendid toboggan tilted up in a corner.

Whereupon the sergeant laughed a rumbling Scotch laugh and told me I had to go into kilts, as I was assigned to a Highland contingent. I protested with violence and enthusiasm, but it didn't do any good. They gave me a dinky little pleated petticoat, and when I demanded breeks to wear underneath, I got the merry ha ha. Breeks on a Scotchman? Never!

"Send her word!" said Mother, bewildered. "Why, surely! Haven't you read in the papers how they send messages to trains that are moving? It's great, isn't it, Mother? To think this little dinky telephone puts you and me out here on this farm in touch with all the world." "Do you mean you can send a telegram to her on board the train, Seth?" asked Mother, in astonishment. "Sure!" said Father.

He waved a hand to Carson as he flashed by, and something in his manner caused Carson to remark to the engineer of the dinky engine: "Somethin's up wid Trevison ag'in, Murph he's got a domned mean look in his eye. I'm the onluckiest son-av-a-gun in the worruld, Murph!

"You often said that the avenue was a quarter of a mile long." "So the thing used to be," he murmured. Then Mr. Sims looked at the campus. "A dinky looking little spot," he said. "Didn't you say," I asked, "that the Arts Building was built of white marble?" "Always thought it was," he answered. "Looks like rough cast from here, doesn't it."