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Each of these creatures had been transfixed by sleep in the very midst of some desperate enterprise during the earlier watches of that night, and all had fallen down in more or less degage and reckless attitudes.

"I've seen that precious uncle of yours," announced Dick, in his most degage manner. David started up. "My uncle?" "Yep," replied Dick, enjoying the situation. "Where? Is is he in town?" cried the other. "Squat, Jacky. Don't flop off your base like that. Always keep a cool head. Look at me.

"You are not acquainted with Lord Talboys?" Leader asks, with a degage air. "I shall have much pleasure in introducing you to him. Talboys, let me introduce you to Lady Kicklebury. Sir Thomas Kicklebury was not at Christchurch in your time; but you have heard of him, I dare say. Your son has left a reputation at Oxford." "I should think I have, too. He walked a hundred miles in a hundred hours.

Three sober-looking citizens, who had just sat themselves down to pipes and the journal, started to their feet like so many pieces of clockwork; but no sooner had Don Saltero, with a degage air of graceful melancholy, actually launched into what he was pleased to term a tune, than a universal irritation of nerves seized the whole company.

It was an elocutionist one, entitled 'Merry-Making Moments, or, Spanker's Wallet of Varieties, with a portrait of Spanker on the bills opening the wallet with an expression of delight or surprise. This was his 'Grand Competition Night, when a 'magnificent goblet' was competed for by all comers, which I had already seen in a shop window, a blue ribbon reposing in dégagé fashion across it.

The Earl looked at Holmes sitting there puffing out smoke in a very dégagé attitude, with the smile of triumph still on his eagle-like face, in spite of his absurd disguise, then he looked at the confused and embarrassed Thorneycroft standing at one side of the table, anxiously rubbing his hands, then he looked at the red-faced Olaf standing near him, and finally he looked at me sitting in another chair, furnishing the calm and sober background for all this sensationalism, as usual.

He expressed the confident hope that Braddock might be persuaded to leave with him. "I can't afford to be loafin' around New York this season of the year," he reflected in the most degage manner imaginable. "It's expensive, the way Ernie and me are living nowadays. I got to get out and round up the rubes. Now, kid, don't preach.

"You know Miss Felton, of course." "Delighted to meet you, Count," said Mr. Blithers, advancing with outstretched hand. He shook the hand of the lieutenant with a shade less energy. "Enjoying the game?" "Immensely," said the Count." It is rarely played so well." Mr. Blithers affected a most degage manner, squinting carelessly at the Prince. "That young chap plays a nice game. Who is he?"

His smile was frank his voice clear and hearty his address open, and much superior to his apparent rank of life, claiming somewhat of equality, yet conceding a great deal of respect; but, notwithstanding all these certainly favourable points, there was a sly and cunning expression in his perverse and vigilant eye and all the wrinkled demesnes in its vicinity, that made me mistrust even while I liked my companion; perhaps, indeed, he was too frank, too familiar, too degage, to be quite natural.

Any excuse is good for the sending of a locket. They have a rather cannibalish look, I think. Who should offer me his arm for dinner to night but Prosper Merimee, the lion of lions, the pampered poet, who entrances all those who listen to him whenever he opens his lips. He is tall and degage, with a nice smile and pleasant eyes, though sometimes he gives you a sharp and suspicious glance.