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Of course, after I became an employe of the railroad company, I could travel on a pass, so I used to go up to Seattle every Saturday, leaving here on the morning train. Your father arranged matters in some way so that I worked but five days a week." "Naturally. Dad's a pretty heavy shipper over the line."

Thus, in a few hours, the merchant found himself in charge of a splendid caravan; and he had to hire a number of armed men to defend it on the road against the robbers, and he was glad indeed to find himself back again in Wali Dâd's hut.

She's been on the tree quite a spell; she ain't the kind you young fellers want, and the old ones is most generally married off or in the soldiers' home. Well, she's got a little cross of Indian and Mexican in her, anyway; that kind of keeps 'em away, you know." It was no trouble to frame a mental picture of Dad's inamorata.

Dad struggled and groaned then broke into a bellow and roared like a wild beast. But the dentist only said, "Keep him down!" and the others kept him down. Dad's neck was stretching like a gander's, and it looked as if his head would come off.

"It was Dad's father that finally cleaned out this great nuisance when he captured Mason, their leader, through the treachery of his fellows. When the final raid was made, Dad, who was then a young man, was one of the party. It seems that there was a certain boy in this pirate gang who escaped, after having been arrested with the others.

Going round with Mr Fortescue Jones, the assistant-paymaster, whom I had taken a liking to in consequence of his having served under Sir Charles Napier, Dad's old captain and my own personal patron, he noticed this screen and he told me another anecdote of the old admiral, to add to my list.

"They found me in Dad's office at five o'clock; Keith's father, a fierce sort of man, was with them, and was for calling the whole thing off. Sally was crying, poor girl, and Keith miserable " "Oh, poor old Sally!" said Barbara's tender voice. "You should have brought her straight home to me!" Mrs. Toland added severely. "Well, so I thought at first.

And why are you at home again?" "I'm down here for the week-end -to get some more of my duds, to tell the truth. I'm going to be a fixture at the Egypt factory much to dad's surprise, I fancy." "Do you like it?" she asked him, watching his face covertly. "I hate it! But I can stick, just the same. I have a scheme for improving the taffy cutting machines, too.

You are to hurry before Blenham gets there he's across the street at the saloon already. After his money, I guess; next thing, unless you block his play, he'll be standing over poor old dad's bed, bullyragging him. Come alive, Steve Packard, and beat him to it." And with the last words she had started her car, after Terry's way of starting anything, with a leap.

"All right, Vernon," said the veteran, shoving Dad's card along with the snuff in his waistcoat pocket, "I'll see to the matter without fail. Good-bye, now, Vernon, good-bye, young shaver, I hope you'll make as good a sailor and smart an officer as your father before you!"