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It's all along of our cussed fool good-nature; they see it amuses us, and they'll keep it up as long as the whisky's free. What we want to do is, when the next man comes waltzin' along " A distant clatter from the rocky hillside here mingled with the puff of damp air through the window.

But according to the Bible you are just such as He came after. If you feel that you are a sinner, all you have to do is to trust Him and do the best you can." "Is that all you did?" "All. I couldn't do anything more. And now, good-by. Remember my last words Whom did Jesus come to save?" "Why, He come to save me," burst out the old man, rising up. "What a cussed old fool I was, not to see it afore!

Moving his crooked legs upon the hot sand and closing a red lid over one white blind eye, Ben Letts spoke viciously. "Tess air that cussed," said he, "that she keeps on saying fishes can feel when they gets cut. She air worse than that too."

"Why wouldn't it be just as well if I told the police of his threat?" asked Aldous, looking across the river with a glimmer of humour in his eyes. "Oh, hell!" was the packer's rejoinder. Slowly he unwound his long legs and rose to his feet. "Take my advice move!" he said. "As for me, I'm going to cross that cussed river this afternoon or know the reason why."

If any man of you enters my house, I'll shoot him down as quick as I would a mad dog." "Shut up your gap; none of your cussed speeches," said a voice in the crowd; "if you don't come down and give yourself up, we'll come in and take you that's the talk, ain't it, boys?" A general shout of approval answered this speech, and several stones were thrown at Mr.

"Of course he does not like the idea of my leaving him and going away to such dreadful and remote places as Denver and Omaha and I don't know what else; but he will not oppose me in the end, and when you come on again " "By thunder!" exclaimed Sam; "ef thar ain't one of them cussed sharps a-watchin' 'em."

It may take us forty-eight hours of constant paddling against wind and tide to make Uyak. George and I are fit enough, but you know you aren't " "Fingerless" Fraser turned violently upon the speaker. "Now, for Heaven's sake, cut that out, will you? Just because you happened to give me a little lift on this cussed Katmai Pass, I s'pose you'll never get done throwing it up to me.

I dare say the young fellow blushed, as any modest lad might have done; I could not see it, but I heard the chuckle of satisfaction that escaped him, as he glanced from his shattered arm and bandaged side to the pale figure opposite. "Lord, Ma'am, that's nothin'; we boys always stan' by one another, an' I warn't goin' to leave him to be tormented any more by them cussed Rebs.

Phil had asked to see the lad who, by neglecting the machinery for a moment, had wrecked his life. "My boy," he said, "you played an ugly game. It was a big mistake. I haven't any grudge agen you, but be glad I'm not one that'd haunt you for your cussed foolishness. . . . There, now, I feel better; that's off my mind!"

"I got the blanket off at last, arter I had made about a mile, I reckon, and then for the fust time I could see about me. Such a sight! The moon wur up, an' I kud see that the ground wur white with snow. It had snowed while I wur asleep; but that wan't the sight the sight war, that clost up an' around me the hul parairy wur kivered with wolves cussed parairy-wolves!