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Yes'ndeedy, it's awful solemn and cur'us; but we've all got to go, one time or another; they ain't no getting around it." There was another long pause; then, "What did he die of?" I said I didn't know. "How long has he ben dead?" It seemed judicious to enlarge the facts to fit the probabilities; so I said, "Two or three days."

Peering ahead in the gloom, nothing was to be seen that explained the singular sound. "Did you hear that?" asked Jack of Hazletine. "I s'pose you mean that laugh? Not being deaf, it would have been cur'us if the same hadn't reached my ears." "What was the meaning of it?" "It meant, I s'pose, that somebody was pleased."

Now, I used to watch that theer tree an' here's the cur'us thing, Peter day by day I see that tree a-droopin' an' droopin', a-witherin' an' a-pinin' for them other two brothers you might say till one day I come by, an' theer it were, Peter, a-standin' up so big an' tall as ever but dead! Ay, Peter, dead it were, an' never put forth another leaf, an' never will, Peter never.

Wimmen is cur'us, sure enough." Jim's suggestion was the true one. Miss Edwards had known Charles Erskine "back in the States," and when they parted last, it had been as engaged lovers. When she left her home in the East to join her brother, a speedy marriage with him had been in contemplation.

"Curious!" echoed Rebecca, finding the term vague even while suggestive. "Yaas," she said, expansively, "she's cur'us, kinder onsosherble 'n' notionate. Now Dusk is cur'us. She's so still and sot, 'n' Nath Dunbar and Mandy they think a heap on her,'n' they do the best they kin by her, but she don't never seem to keer about 'em no way.

Joe broke it after a moment of deep thought. "Like t' know how he seen me," said he. "'Tis cur'us," said another. "Guess he's one o' them preformers like they have at the circus " was the opinion of Sam Beach. "See one take a pig out o' his hat las' summer." "'Tain't fair 'n' square," said Tom Linley; "not jest eggzac'ly." "Gosh! B'lieve I'll run away," said Joe, after a pause.

The very fust time I fired off my blunderbuss in class-meetin', and you heerd the buckshot and the squirrel-shot and the slugs and all sorts of things a-rattlin' around, you'd say I was makin' fun of the Gospel. I 'low they a'n't no Methodist in me. I was cut out cur'us, you know, and made up crooked." "Is there anything against Mr. Harrison, Brother Goshorn?" asked the elder.

Before leaving the ground these expert butchers treated themselves to a little of the marrow and warm liver in a raw state! Cameron and Joe walked up to the group while they were indulging in this little feast. "Well, I've often seen that eaten, but I never could do it myself," remarked the former. "No!" cried Joe in surprise; "now that's oncommon cur'us.

"Cur'us how he can git along without any fur," says the mother swift, as she run er nose over 'is bare foot. He thought of 'is folks waitin' fer him an' he begged em t' let 'im go. Then they come an' smelt 'im over. "Yer sech a cunnin' critter," says the mother swift, "we couldn't spare ye." "Want to see my mother," says the boy sobbing.

You kind o' make things uneasy. Wal, that's a fault you'll git over. Mebbe, later on, when a feller gits rilin' you you'll work your gun, instead of trying to thump savee into his head. Heads is mighty cur'us out west here. They're so chock full o' savee, ther' ain't no use in thumpin' more into 'em. Et's a heap easier to let it out. But that's on the side.