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The boy was the very counterpart of his father, of Brother Noll, he thought, the same fair, high forehead and curling locks, the same deep blue eyes, the same eager, impetuous manner. This resemblance touched him somewhat; he noted, also, that the boy's lips quivered a little, and so said, in a kindlier tone, "You're very welcome to Culm, Noll. Are you tired with the journey?"

He doesn't want me to go to Culm, he says, and he dislikes the Culm people." Hagar did not know what consolation to offer for this unfavorable prospect. She could not counsel the boy to disobey his uncle's commands, neither did she accept the idea of having Noll's projects defeated for lack of permission to carry them out.

Noll said not a word. Uncle Richard was getting to be more of a mystery to him than Culm Rock had been. "And," continued Trafford, "we will leave the matter thus: you shall be at liberty, after the first month, to go or stay, as you like. If you go, it shall be to stay away forever; if you stay, it shall be at your own risk. Do you understand?" "Yes, Uncle Richard."

"Dirk Sharp's little girl is sick with a fever, and I think she's going to die, though of course I can't tell, and they haven't a drop of medicine. Just think, Hagar, dying, and nothing to save!" Hagar thought, and sighed heavily over her tea-pot. "Don' know what's goin' to 'come o' them yer Culm folks!" she said.

First among these was Nicolaus Schonberg, Cardinal of Capua, distinguished in all branches of learning. Next to him comes my very dear friend, Tidemann Giese, Bishop of Culm, a most earnest student, as he is, of sacred and, indeed, of all good learning.

Then he ran along the hard, sandy beach as fast as the wind and his burden would let him. The Culm huts came in sight at last, cheerless and desolate, and with no sign of life or occupancy about them, save the faint smoke which the wind whirled down from the chimneys. Noll began to regard Dirk's habitation with anxious eyes long before he drew near.

"Wish ye could see my lads' hands!" he said; "could take both 'o' yourn in one uv 'em, an' not know they was holding anything. But you'll have browner paws afore ye leave Culm!" "Of course!" said Noll, "for I'm going to get Uncle Richard to teach me to row, I can swim now, and I'm going to be around the shore half the time."

This put a desirable check upon his energies for a week or more, and by that time Pike had flown his fly. On such a day came Pike to the bank of Culm, with a loudly beating heart.

"Yes, and oh, Uncle Richard, you can't know how I longed to see you, to tell you that I was alive and safe! I knew you would worry, but I didn't think you'd think me dead. I didn't think that till we got to Culm, and Dirk and all the rest trembled, and were actually going to run away from me!" "Then you have not been harmed?" said Trafford: "but oh, my boy, where were you on that awful night?"

"HASTINGS, Sept. 7th. "To Mr. Richard Trafford, of Culm Rock: "SIR, I am sorry to be under the painful necessity of informing you of your brother's death. The Rev. Oliver Trafford died the 15th of March last, leaving me as the executor of his estate.