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For some time the rider sat his horse motionless, frowning in indecision. Then he touched the dun lightly with his spurs, left the trail, and struck off to the north, following the ridge. He kept his gaze focused on the little ranch. The only sign of life which he saw was a heavily-burdened clothesline flapping in the idle breeze which at this point was wafted down from the mountains.

He carried his uncle upstairs, and, possessing himself of a clothesline in one corner of the kitchen, proceeded to tie him hand and foot, despite his feeble opposition. "There," said he, when his uncle lay before him utterly helpless, "I think that disposes of you for a while. Now for the gold."

Mary had been up to the farm for more rope, but the clothesline was all that she could find, and this she now returned with. Already three ropes had been passed round the rick and made fast to the willows, but none among them was of great stoutness, nor had they been tied at an elevation best calculated to resist a possible strain.

If properly done, this will enable you to finish your journey, which for a long distance is much pleasanter than walking and leading your wheel. A rope tire will often enable the rider to reach home. A few yards of clothesline, borrowed, begged, or bought from some wayside house, will enable you to make a solid tire.

It's mighty good sense to press yoh luck as fur's it'll go, honey, but a oudacious sin to set right out to bust it. An' 'member what ole Zack say 'bout dat, 'caze it mought do you a heap of good some day!" Zack's saddle was finally tied on with a piece of clothesline and, putting his foot in a rope stirrup, he mounted. "Now I'se gwine arter dat nickel," he declared.

And, as Zip swam along, and pulled on the clothesline, which was fast to the stick in his mouth, and also fast to the raft on which stood Laddie Bunker, the little boy was given a ride. Zip was a strong dog, and as the raft was light, and as Laddie was not heavy, the swimming animal had no trouble in pulling the queer boat after him.

So Dr. Possum didn't have to come in to see Jackie after all to make him swallow the bitter stuff, and the little chap was soon all well again. And if the clothesline doesn't try to jump rope with the Jack in the Box, and upset the washtub, I'll tell you next about Uncle Wiggily and the pine cones.

Mebbe you can catch him before he gets out of town." Mrs. Gashwiler descended from the car. "You better have that clothesline back by seven o'clock to-morrow morning," she warned the offender. "Yes, ma'am, I will." This was not spoken in a Buck Benson manner. "And say" Gashwiler paused in turning the car "what you doing in that outlandish rig, anyhow?

"Oh, I think I can let you take some old sheets," said his mother, "and you can hang them over the clothesline in the yard. That will make a nice little tent for your show." "Yes, that will be fine," said Herbert. "Thank you, Mother." He carried his Monkey into the house and put him on a table, where Madeline was sitting, playing with her Candy Rabbit.

The Royal Dragon of Spor came crawling into the throne-room rather clumsily, groaning and moaning with every step and waving its ears like two blankets flying from a clothesline. The king looked on it and frowned. "Why are you not breathing fire and brimstone?" he demanded, angrily.