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"What affair is that of yours, woman?" asked Betty, flushing angrily. "None at all, save that I could tell much such another story, if you cared to listen. But hear me out, and then answer me a question, or rather, answer the question first. Would you like to be avenged upon this high-born knave?" "Avenged?" answered Betty, clenching her hands and hissing the words through her firm, white teeth.

Clenching his teeth and resolved to choke rather than swallow it he waited till the cup was at his lips, and then, with a sudden jerk of his head, knocked it aside and caused the stream of brown liquid to fall on the dirty floor. Whatman's answer to this was a violent blow that made blue and green stars dance before the boy's eyes and almost stunned him.

Blakeney's attitude was apparently as careless, as audacious as before, but Chauvelin's keen eyes had not missed the almost imperceptible tightening of the jaw and the rapid clenching of one hand on the sword hilt even whilst the other toyed in graceful idleness with the filmy Mechlin lace cravat.

The only sign of feeling he gave was in the slow clenching of one hand. After a few moments Bertrand wheeled round. "See!" he said. "I have followed you here to tell you the truth face to face, as I shall tell it bientôt to the good God. You shall bind me by any oath that you will, though it should be enough for you that I have nothing at all to gain, as you have said.

"Mean?" she cried, clenching her hands. Then she laughed suddenly, shrilly. "Oh, if my mother could hear you say that to me!" "Damme!" he exclaimed, coming to his feet in considerable agitation. "Do you want people to hear us ragging each other? Don't go into hysterics, Hetty!

"In Heaven's name, man," admonished Marguerite, hurriedly, seeing that Sir Andrew, with British-born instinct, was ominously clenching his fist, "remember that you are in France, and that in this year of grace this is the temper of the people." "I'd like to scrag the brute!" muttered Sir Andrew, savagely.

"I wouldn't feel so bad about a call down over a bit of ordinary b.j.-ety. I was scorched and withered for being a cold-foot and a quitter and I deserve it all, and more!" "I'm glad you see that, old Gridley!" murmured Cadet Dick heartily. "Now, Greg, you won't write another letter of resignation, will you?" "Not if I die of homesickness and melancholy!" muttered Greg, clenching his hands.

The two tawny enemies stood up on their hind legs, clenching each other like two wrestlers, body to body, muzzle to muzzle, teeth to teeth, and uttering shrill, rattling cries that cut through the air like the clashing of steel blades. Ordinary huntsmen would have fired upon this monstrous group. We judged it more noble to respect the powerful hate of this magnificent love.

"They do say, sir, that whenever the mistress turns her back, they two the master and the guest do go on like any pair of sweethearts, which is a great scandal, if it's true." "Ah ha!" muttered the stranger, clenching and grinding his teeth.

Before riding out of the gates, he turned round, and clenching his fist, glanced malignantly at Eustace, and muttered, "You shall aby it." Another shout of "Down with the false Clarenham!