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Don't you want to ask them out to-night?" Alec, down the driveway, heard, and was first to shout his approbation of this idea: "Sure! Get 'em here and ask 'em if they think there's room enough to turn round in!" Max, from the top of the step-ladder, added his approval: "Have them, whatever you do, Sally. Of all the chumps!" Bob whistled. "Neil was afraid he'd burst our rooms in town," he recalled.

"It might be an easy matter to prove either of these old gentlemen to have been insane, but the two of them together make it out of the question " "Darned unreasonable." "What do you mean, sir?" indignantly. "I mean oh, you know what I mean. The conditions and all that. Why, the old chumps must have been trying to prove their grandchildren insane when they made that will.

You've no idea what a job I had getting colors to pin on these chumps. If it hadn't been for my pink garters and a blue union suit I'd put on yesterday " We stopped Maxwell and backed him up to the starting pole again. But he was no story-teller. He skipped like a cheap gas engine. We had to take the story away from him piece by piece.

You see the trouble was that republics had been started all around Carlina, they grow down there like mushrooms, so that soon some of these chumps thought they must go and do the same thing, although everything was going finely and they were twice as prosperous under their queen as the other fellows were under their grafting presidents.

Well, I don't mind. I admit it. I am a chump. All the Peppers have been chumps. But what I do say is that every now and then, when you'd least expect it, I get a pretty hot brain-wave; and that's what happened now. I doubt if the idea that came to me then would have occurred to a single one of any dozen of the brainiest chappies you care to name. It came to me on my return journey.

A classmate named Stewart Snyder, a competent bulky young man in a gray flannel shirt, a rusty black bow tie, and the green-and-purple class cap, grumbled to her as they walked behind the others in the muck of the South St. Paul stockyards, "These college chumps make me tired. They're so top-lofty. They ought to of worked on the farm, the way I have. These workmen put it all over them."

The entire camp was now in wild commotion, for each lad present understood that all the boats were gone. Ham Spink and Carl Dudder were in a rage. "We should have placed somebody on guard," cried Ham. "We were chumps not to do it." "I didn't think anybody would be over here so quick," answered Carl. "How could they do it without a boat?" "Maybe they had another boat," put in Ike Akley.

Nobody walks up to a woman and says, "Here I have a burden that's very heavy you carry it whilst I go off and have a good time." No. The woman simply takes the burden and hugs it and "feels" it and prides herself on doing it. And maybe the thing she hugs as a burden is no burden at all to the other people in the family. My dear, women as a rule are chumps.

Just afore she eh gits ter thet thick bunch eh underbrush, whar' the trail sorter eh drops down inter the ravine. An' you chumps wanter eh git yerselves up so she can't pipe any of ye off eh in this yere eh road-agent act. I tell ye, after what thet eh Moffat's bin a-pumpin' inter her, she's just got ter be eh rescued, an' in blame good style, er eh it ain't no go."

Now revise your opinion of the moon. At this time of night she would be in the southwest." "That would make a little difference," admitted Jimmie. "Well, there you are. Take a line running southeast and a couple of chumps going almost southeast by keeping a southwest object to the right, where will they land? That's mixed, but I guess you know what it means.