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Claude, it wasn't like that in our war; the soldiers didn't do nothin' to the women an' chillun. Many a time our house was full of Northern soldiers, an' they never so much as broke a piece of my mudder's chiney." "You'll have to tell me about it again sometime, Mahailey. I must have my dinner and get back to work.

Dat scared me mos' to death 'til I was past ten year old. Homespun, dey called it. Dey had spinnin' wheels an' cards an' looms at de Big House. All de women spinned in de winter time. "I never knowed what it was to wear more dan one garment, 'til I was mos' grown. I never had a pair o' shoes o' my own. Old Mis' let me wear her'n sometimes. Dey had shoes for de old folks, but not for de chillun.

She once was pretty, but she ain't no mo', But she cooks mah meals an' she sweeps mah flo'; She darns mah stockings an' she mends mah coat, An' she knows jes' how mah chillun fer to tote Come along! Come along! "Mah pickaninnies am a-headin' dis way Come along! Come along! Daddy am a-watchin' fo' 'em day by day Come along! Come along!

"I was born in Simpson County, near old Westville, on a big farm what b'long to Marse Jack Berry. I was 12 years old when de surrender come, so my ole Mis' say. Her name was 'Mis Ailsey an' all us cullud folks call her 'Ole Mi's. She an' Old Marster had twelve chillun: Marthy, 'Lizabeth, Flavilia, Mary, Jack, Bill, Denson, Pink, Tally, Thomas, Albert, and Frank.

"I do declar', it looks most tremend'us real," said the cook. "It's a wonder to me yo' chillun can make sech t'ings." "We learned it in the kindergarten class at school," answered Nan. "Yes, in the kindergarten," put in Flossie. "But we don't make fire engines there," came from Freddie. At this Dinah began to laugh, shaking from head to foot. "Fire enjuns, am it, Freddie?

Chillun is better 'long o' their mothers, when all's said and done, and they don't have to come if they don't want to, and when they do come the work don't hurt them. Just 'nough to keep 'em from mischief and me a-paying their parents for what is play to the young-uns." Cynthia thought of Sandy's moan over the baby-things of the factory and her eyes filled.

Folks an' de Gov'ment, too, seem lak dey was all up-set an' threatened lak. For a long time it look lak things gwine bus' loose ag'in. Mos' ever'thing was tore up an' burned down to de groun'. It took a long time to build back dout no money. Den twant de gran' old place it was de firs' time. "I married when I was a young man. "Us had six chillun.

I 'member runnin' from the Yankees when they wanted to carry me off. Just devilin' me, you know. You know how little chillun was 'bout white folks in them days. "I went to school three weeks and my daddy stopped me and put me to work. "Old master was named Jimmie Ricks. They named me after him, I think. "My mother said he was a mighty good master. Didn't 'low his niggers whipped.

"Yes, sir. Listen, chillun!" again said Katie, keeping her eyes fixed upon Ishmael and nudging her companions right and left with her elbows. "You will be all of her friends, all of her native country, all of her past life that she will take with her." "Yes, sir. Listen, chillun!" and another elbow dig, right and left. "She is going among strangers, foreigners, possibly rivals and enemies."

I'm de mammy ob 14 chilluns, seven boys en seven gals. I wuz next ter de olest ob four chillun. Mah missis useter hire me out ter hotels en taverns. Sum marsters fed dare slaves meat en sum wouldin' let dem hab a bite. One marster we useter 'yer 'bout would grease his slaves mouth on Sunday mawnin', en tell dem ef any body axed ef dey had meat ter say "yes, lots ob hit".