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There were other smaller keys, also old plainly belonging to bags and trunks and drawers and so forth. And then there was the large, perfectly new key. What was that? It was not the key of any bag or drawer, clearly it was the key of a door a door with a lever lock. What door? Had Denson some other office?

"And the man killed in the barn?" "That is one more of his thousand crimes, without a doubt. Though it differs. Do you know what drew my attention to the murders of the men Denson and Mason, and so set me thinking? In each case the murder was by strangulation, and the medical evidence at the inquests showed that it was effected by means of a tourniquet.

Louise had been talking also, but her sister seemed to have a stronger pair of lungs, for her voice drowned that of the Countess, who retreated to "pack up." The minutes dragged by, to the tune of several chapters of family history as voluminously interpreted by Mrs. Denson. Miss Whitmore had always boasted the best-behaved of nerves, but this day she developed a genuine case of "fidgets."

"All of you who have eaten this er candy, must come with me. The rest of you may stay here and play, but you must NOT touch this case." "Yuh going t' give 'em a lickin'?" Sary Denson wetted a finger copiously before turning a leaf upon the beautiful skeleton. "Never mind what I'm going to do to them you had better keep out of mischief yourself, however. Mr.

"Better haze along and buy that grub stake," Slim interrupted the family gift for profuse speech. He had caught the boys grinning, and fancied that they were tracing a likeness between the garrulity of Sybilly and the fluency of her aunt, the Countess. "You don't want that train to go off and leave yuh, by golly." "Wonder who bought Denson out?"

Denson had ruffled him and worried him a good deal, and ever and again he came back to that discussion. "It's all very easy for your learned men to sit and pick holes," he said, "while the children suffer and die. They don't pick holes up north. They mean business."

I was putting the lot to him for fifteen t'ousant pounds, and it would have been a nice profit in that for me. And then Denson he chaffs me and he says, 'Ah! Samuel, he says, 'wasn't you afraid my customer and me would hook it out o' the window with all your stones? I don't like that sort o' joke in pishness, you see, but I say, 'All right I wasn't afraid o' that.

But this Denson doesn't carry the plunder off straightway, as he so easily might have done he conceals it in the very house where the robbery was committed, taking with him a key by aid of which he may return and get it. Why?

And Denson hit me curiously hard with one of his shafts. "Suppose," he said, "you found yourself prime minister " I looked at Chris Robinson, bright-eyed and his hair a little ruffled and his whole being rhetorical, and measured him against the huge machine of government muddled and mysterious. Oh! but I was perplexed!

"You know I'm not your match in size or strength, or you wouldn't challenge me to fight; but this I will do: unless you leave the room, I shall go at once and report you to Dr. Denson." The offender, seeing perhaps that this was no empty threat, evidently considered it the wiser plan not to risk an interview with the head-master. "Oh, keep your wig on!" he answered, with a scornful laugh.