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I coodn help comparing them; and I coodnt help comparing myself to a certing Hannimle I've read of, that found it difficklt to make a choice betwigst 2 Bundles of A." "That ungrateful beest Fitzwarren my oan man a feller I've maid a fortune for a feller I give 100 lb. per hannum to! a low bred Wallydyshamber! HE must be thinking of falling in love too! and treating me to his imperence.

"Certing, certing," answered the woman, courtesying almost to the floor. "Walk right in, if you can git in. It's my cheese day, or I should have been cleared away sooner.

"'We, that's the OFFICE, you know," continued Uncle Ben with a heavy assumption of business formality, "wot we've received per several hands and consignee we that's YOU and ME, Roop we goes down to Sacramento to inquire into the standin' of a certing party, as per invoice, and ter see ter see ter negotiate you know, ter find out if she's married or di-vorced," he concluded quickly, as if abandoning for the moment his business manner in consideration of Rupert's inexperience.

Le Breting's people is comin' round, you may be sure of it; 'is mother's a lady of title, that much we know for certing; and she wouldn't go and let 'er own flesh an' blood die 'ere of downright poverty, as they're like to do and won't let us 'elp it, pore dears, without sendin' round to inquire and assist 'em. Married against 'er will, I understand, from what that dear Mr.

Just before twelve o'clock I just took a look round afore turnin' in, an', bust me, but when I kem opposite to old Bersicker's cage I see the rails broken and twisted about and the cage empty. And that's all I know for certing." "Did any one else see anything?"

They'll be arter these eer treppings for certing, since they hain't much chence o' gittin' soger fixings out theer. We-ell, what I mean to do is to put the knepsacks off on 'em for some new improvement o' pattern. I guess it air thet I've heerd say so at the Fort then the Morming jineral, who air the prophet hisself, an' who's got berrls o' dollars he'll buy the knepsacks at any price.

"And you all were bringing mother in to see me?" exclaimed John. "Certing!" said blithe Mrs. Gamble, while Garnet faltered a smiling disclaimer, and the son wondered what hidden influence was making endurable to his mother the company of a woman who declared he would soon have this wilderness turned into a "frewtful garding." But as Mrs. Gamble turned from him and engaged Mrs.

"You've seed boot-pegs, I recking, Mister Tigg?" "An' shure I hiv. Aren't they the same that's in these suttlers' brogues we've got on bad luck to them?" "Jess the same only whitier when they air new." "Be japers! I think I remimber seein' a barrel full ov thim in New Yark." "Very certing it were them they air usooaly packed in berr'ls. Can you think o' anything they looked like?"

Narkom'd faint if 'e saw yer, an' I'm not so certing I wouldn't do a bunk meself, if I met yer in a dark lane, so to speak. 'Ow yer does the expression fair beats me." Cleek laughed good-humouredly. The something theatrical in his make-up was gratified by the admiration of his audience. He linked his arm through the boy's.

"Thar is only one item," said Captain Dick, slowly, "only one item, that ez men, ez far-minded men, ez political economists, it seems to me we hez the right to question. It's this: Thar is an item, read to you by me, of $2,000 paid to certing San Francisco detectives, paid out o' the assets o' Roger Catron, for the finding of Roger Catron's body.