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Conshns whispers to me, 'Jeams, you'r hony a footman in disguise hafter all." "28th. Been to the Hopra. Music tol lol. That Lablash is a wopper at singing. I coodn make out why some people called out 'Bravo, some 'Bravar, and some 'Bravee. 'Bravee, Lablash, says I, at which heverybody laft. "I'm in my new stall. I've had new cushings put in, and my harms in goold on the back.

But Frans is not like Great Brittin; a man in a livry coat, with 1 arm, is pretty easily known, and caught, too, as I can tell you. Such was the case with master. He coodn leave Paris, moarover, if he would. What was to become, in that case, of his bride his unchbacked hairis? She had nine thousand a yer. She'd been in love a duzn times befor, and mite be agin.

I coodn help comparing them; and I coodnt help comparing myself to a certing Hannimle I've read of, that found it difficklt to make a choice betwigst 2 Bundles of A." "That ungrateful beest Fitzwarren my oan man a feller I've maid a fortune for a feller I give 100 lb. per hannum to! a low bred Wallydyshamber! HE must be thinking of falling in love too! and treating me to his imperence.

The Honrabble Algernon Deuceace was a little too wide awake to trust much to the constnsy of so very inflammable a young creacher. Heavn bless us, it was a marycle she wasn't earlier married! Well, to use a commin igspreshn, the beaks were after him. How was he to manitch? He coodn get away from his debts, and he wooden quit the fare objict of his affeckshns.