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Clear, also?" questioned Lucian, wishing to be enlightened on all points. "No. She'll come in by the back, down the cellarway, as Wrent expects her to come. Then he'll follow in the same path and walk right into the trap." "But won't the two be seen climbing over that fence in the daytime?" asked the barrister doubtfully. "Who said anything about the daytime, Mr. Denzil?

And with them went Ellen Ember, as if, secretly, she were wiser than we knew. And while the others blocked the passage or crowded into the room, according to the nature which was theirs, some one came from the cellarway and paused, smiling, on the threshold. And it was Miss Clementina Proudfit, with eggs in her hands. "Wait!" I heard Delia's sharp, piping voice then; "wait!"

A broad flight of steps led down to the cellarway of the "Valkyrie," and a similar one to the basement of the old mansion.

I intended getting in eventually by the cellarway, but, if you want me, that would take too long. Besides, I wanted to show you how neatly I can shin up a post." He smiled at her cheerfully. He was damp and flushed, but much brisker than Desire had thought. He did not look at all raglike. For the first time since their homecoming she seemed to see him with clear eyes. And she found him changed.

Benito's guide paused momentarily on the farther side of Dupont street. Then, with a beckoning gesture, he dived into a narrow alley. Benito, following, found himself before the entrance of a cellarway. As he halted, iron trapdoors opened toward him, revealing a short flight of steps. The Chinese motioned him to descend, but the lawyer hesitated with a sudden sense of trepidation.

At last one of the men, more nervously eager for information than the rest, shouted down the cellarway to the lieutenant, inquiring how he and his helpers were getting on. There was no answer. He shouted again. Still no reply. Then he announced his intention to descend into the cellar to investigate. "Wait," said Mr. Stanlock. "There are some tracks in the dust on the steps, and Lieut.

"He knows I'm lyin'," she muttered, and though the heat was unusual, she closed the door behind her. The muffled sound of beating fists drew her to the cellarway. "Nell let me out! Quick! Open the door!" Nell Beecroft took a key from her apron pocket and demanded harshly as she turned it in the lock: "What's the matter with you, anyhow?" Dr. Harpe stumbled blinking into the light.

"The next night I entered No. 13 by the cellarway, and found it of great advantage, as I could visit Clear without exciting suspicion, and so keep an eye on him. At first he was alarmed by my unexpected appearance, but when I showed him the secret way, he made use of it also. We used it only on dark nights, and it was for this reason that we were not noticed by the neighbours.

"But having shown Clyne the cellarway into the house, Miss Rhoda knew too much, and laughed in Clyne's face. He did not dare to make her thefts public, or complain to Mrs. Bensusan, lest Rhoda should tell of the connection between him and the tenant of the Silent House, who passed under the name of Berwin. Therefore, he told Clear to keep his sitting-room door locked."

I don't believe that other fellow would have stolen my watch if he had known I was a doctor. "When we left the car at Canal Street, my companion whispered to me to follow him, no matter where he went. We kept along close to the houses, past the dives the streets, even here, were almost deserted; then I saw him drop down a cellarway.