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I'll take one hundred thousand dollars for the Circle Bar." The calm announcement had no effect upon Dunlavey except to cause him to grin derisively. "For a tenderfoot you're pretty slick," he allowed, his teeth showing. "You've figgered it out so that it sounds right reasonable. But you've forgot one thing. The Cattlemen's Association ain't eliminated.

It was to Jordan of the Cattlemen's National Bank, and it notified him that $20,000 was to be shipped to him by the W. & S. Express Company on the night of the robbery. Blackwell resolved to have a try for it. He hung around the office until the manager and the guard arrived from the train, made his raid upon them, locked the door, and threw away his mask.

Chance Dalton, foreman of Alamito Ranch, was in charge of the expedition that rode late that afternoon against Macdonald's homestead to liberate Mark Thorn, and close his mouth in the cattlemen's effective way upon the bloody secrets which he might in vainglorious boast reveal.

When this administration wants to chalk up a desirable name for early promotion, the Hosannah would like a chance to sudgest. The Demoiselle Irene Dewlap, of South Astolat, is visiting her uncle, the popular host of the Cattlemen's Board- ing Ho&se, Liver Lane, this city. Young Barker the bellows-mender is hoMe again, and looks much improved by his vacation round-up among the out- lying smithies.

O'Connor read aloud the letter: To Nicholas Bolt, Sheriff, Or Bucky O'connor, Lieutenant of Rangers: Having come into possession of a little valise which is not mine, I am getting rid of it in the following manner. I have rented a large safety-deposit box at the Cattlemen's National Bank, and have put into it the valise with the lock still unbroken. The key is inclosed herewith.

Their only marks had been the flashes of the cattlemen's guns, and those showed no longer. All the men were hushed, as though in expectancy. Whitey peered into the darkness, as they were doing. The cloud's ragged edge showed at the lower half of the moon, and the ranch house could be dimly seen.

He drew his revolver with a quick jerk that seemed nothing more than a slight movement of the shoulder. Quick as he was and few in the cattlemen's baronies were ahead of him there Macdonald was quicker. The muzzle of Chadron's pistol was still in the leather when Macdonald's weapon was leveled at his eyes. "Drop that gun!"

All kinds of rumors were in the air as to how many of these there were. The Consolidated leaders boldly claimed that they had only to give the word to force the election of their candidate on any ballot. Yesler did not believe this claim could be justified, since Pelton and Harley were already negotiating with him for the delivery of the votes belonging to the cattlemen's contingent.

Now this organized front of self-defense must be broken, and the bold rascals involved must be destroyed, root and branch. Press agents of the Drovers' Association in Cheyenne were sowing nation-wide picturesque stories of the rustlers' uprising. The ground was being prepared for the graver news that was to come; the cattlemen's justification was being carefully arranged in advance.

He was chilled to the middle of his bones, and his hand went down unconsciously and groped for the blankets he had pushed off in his restlessness. In his sleep he was yelling to the Cattlemen's Convention to wait, not to adjourn yet, because he had something to show them.