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"Didn't know you were in this, Yesler," Fendrick drawled insolently. "Oh, well, I butted in," the other laughed easily. He pushed a stack of chips toward the center of the table. "The pot's open." Fendrick, refused a quarrel, glared at the impassive face of Cullison, and passed to the rear room for a drink.

"Then, really, Mr. Yesler came to your rescue." "That's about it, though he didn't intend it that way." "And who is to be the senator?" He gave her a cynical smile. "Warner." "But I thought why, surely he " The surprise of his cool announcement took her breath away. "No, he isn't the man our combination decided on, but the trouble is that our combination is going to fall through.

"I don't see who it can be that you all unite on. Of course, it isn't Mr. Pelton?" "I should hope not." "Or Mr. Samuel Yesler?" "You've used up all the guesses allowed you. If you want to know, why don't you attend the joint session to-day? It ought to be highly interesting." "I shall," she announced promptly. "And I'll bring Laska with me." "She won't be able to come." "I think she will.

The young women consulted eyes and agreed very readily. Both of them enjoyed being so near to the heart of things. "If Mr. Yesler will lunch with the debaucher of the commonwealth, we shall be very happy to join the party," said Virginia demurely. Ridgway led them down to the floor of the House.

Stays pretty well tanked up. Hopper tells me he's been making threats to kill Waring on sight." "I heard that and told Waring. He laughed and said he hoped he would live till Pelton killed him. I like Waring. He's got the guts, as his miners say. But he's away off on this fight. He's using money right and left just as Harley is." Yesler nodded. "The whole town's corrupted.

Ridgway slipped quietly from the room and left them together. Yesler, still moving slowly with a walking stick by reason of his green wound, left the street-car and made his way up Forest Road to the house which bore the number 792.

Through the open lane he left in his wake, the young women caught the meaning of the turmoil: the crumpled figure was Yesler swaying into the arms of his friend, Roper, the furious drink-flushed face of Pelton and the menace of the weapon poised for a second shot, the swift impact of Waring's body, and the blow which sent the next bullet crashing into the chandelier overhead.

I'll accept nothing from Harley on that account. He is outside of the friendship between her and me, and he can't jimmy his way in." Yesler shrugged his shoulders. "All right. I'll order a rig hitched for you and drive you over myself. I want to talk over this senatorial fight anyhow. The way things look now it's going to be the rottenest session of the legislature we've ever had.

"That would be better," smiled Yesler, and Virginia thought it significant that her friend made no further protest. Gray streaks began to show in the sky before Yesler tapped on the door of Virginia's room.

"I told you I would come." "Yes. I've been looking for you every day. I've checked each one off on my calendar. It's been three weeks and five days since I saw you." "I thought it was a year," he laughed, and the sound of his uncurbed voice rang strangely in this room given to murmurs. "Tell me about everything. How is Virginia, and Mrs. Mott, and Mr. Yesler?