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"/Star wayno/, says I. 'The little girl deserves it. "'I'm going to San Antone on the last load of wool, says Uncle Cal, 'and select an instrument for her myself. "'Wouldn't it be better, I suggests, 'to take Marilla along and let her pick out one that she likes? "I might have known that would set Uncle Cal going.

"I suppose it's true that mighty few of the same lot will ever get back to Italian Bar," agreed Danny, "but it's a good thing for whatever community they may hit next year." Johnny and Old elected to take their wages in dust; Cal decided on the order against the San Francisco firm. Then we wandered down to where we could overlook the bar itself.

"No, I'm I'm just as well out of it." "And it's for good and all this time, eh?" "For good and all." "Well," commented Cressler, "some one else has begun where you left off, I guess. This Unknown Bull, I mean. All the boys are trying to find out who he is. Crookes, though, was saying to me Cal Crookes, you know he was saying he didn't care who he was.

However, all ended happily, and save for rubbing that part of his anatomy where he wore a collar after he was grown up, Whitey was all right. The next day Cal Smith said that a joke was all very well, but twenty-five miles was far enough to carry it, and he staked Whitey to a horse to make the rest of the trip with, Whitey to return the horse on his way back.

Well, when these brave fellows did come at their times to this tippling-house, as they cal lit, to fuddle and make merry, then must Ned be called out; and because his father was best acquainted with Ned, and best knew how to provoke him, therefore he would usually ask him such questions, or command him such business, as would be sure to provoke him indeed.

"It ought to please any woman," was the slow, thoughtful reply. "Tell me, do you think I've got a chance with a girl like that? You know I've never gone with girls much. I'm timid and awkward. I don't know what to do or what to say. But my money will help, won't it?" "Money always helps in this town, Cal." "And it means so much to a woman too, don't it?" "Yes.

Why why, he's going to stop for the night!" From the vantage place there at the top of the steps Sarah stood and surveyed her brother's wide and guileless face for a second. Then her lips began to twitch. "Very clever, Cal," she told him. "Quite clever for you!" And she nodded and withdrew to see that the table was laid for three.

"Two doctors in one family gee whiz!" mused Cal. "If I hadn't got the only girl God ever made right, I'd give one Dr. Cecil Granthum, of Gilroy, Ohio, a run for his money, I tell yuh those. I'd impress it upon him that a man's taking long chances when he stands and lets his best girl stampede out here among us cow-punchers for a change uh grass.

Ellison, since he might need her in legal matters later on. He wanted to get rid of Delphine, but he couldn't kill her outright, and illegally, so he resolved to get her killed legally if he could! I have no doubt in the world, Cal, that Decherd planned the train wreck. Maybe he thought it meant more damage suits; but I think as you do, his main reason was to get rid of Delphine.

"He thought yuh was after what little your friend Dan had overlooked, chances is," added Cal Emmett. "Did the fog roll down and hide the horrible sight?" asked Jack Bates. That, and much more, brought about a distinct coldness between the Happy Family and one Andy Green, so that the sun went down upon Andy's wrath, and rose to find it still bubbling hotly in the outraged heart of him.