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I was in there just now fillin' up his ink-stand and, by crimus, I let a great big gob of ink come down ker-souse right in the middle of the nice, clean blottin' paper in front of him. I held my breath, cal'latin' to catch what Stephen Peter used to say he caught when he went fishin' Sundays. Stevey said he generally caught cold when he went and always caught the Old Harry when he got back.

When I come in here to light the hangin'-lamp cal'latin' to make supper, I looked over there at the window. I'd shut it. There was Jerry on the window sill, humped all up like an old woman with the tisic." "The poor thing!" was Lou's sympathetic cry. "Yes," said Cap'n Abe, nodding. "He warn't no more fit to be let loose than nothin' 'tall. And I wonder if I be," added the storekeeper.

We caught fragments of the monologue. "I swan to man ugh I thought ye was thieves, for sartin. Some everlastin', dam ugh have been sneakin' out nights and haulin' my lobster pots. Ugh if I'd caught 'em I was cal'latin' to ugh break their ugh ugh This dory pulls like a coal barge I Wet through, ain't ye? And froze, I cal'late Ugh and hungry, too Ugh ugh My old woman's tendin' light.

The whiskers received another series of pulls and he regarded Thankful with the same questioning stare. "And you say," he drawled, "that you come to me just because " "Mercy on us! If you don't know why I come by this time, then " "All right, all right. I I'm talkin' to myself, I guess. Course you told me why you come. So you're cal'latin' to start a boardin'-house, eh?

But he's been cal'latin', I cal'late, to use his political pull to get Leander exempted off. Nine boards out of ten, if they'd had a man from Orham on 'em, would have gone by what that man said in a case like Leander's. And Phineas, he was movin' heavens and earth to get one of his friends put on as the right Orham man.

"I'm cal'latin' to," he said, cheerfully. And his sister, to the surprise of Mrs. Barnes and Emily, did not utter another word of protest. Captain Obed volunteered to accompany them to the hotel and to the store of Mr. Badger. On the way Thankful mentioned Mr. Parker's amazing independence in the matter of the pipe. The captain chuckled.

I told 'em I didn't know yet. I was cal'latin' to hire a couple of dozen men and a boy to count it, and soon's the job was finished I'd get out a proclamation. What did you tell your gang?" "I simply said," Serena unconsciously drew herself up and spoke with a gracious dignity; "I said they might quote me as saying it was NOT a million." Azuba entered from the kitchen, heaving a steaming platter.

"No, no. . . There, there, don't bother me any more. I'm in a hurry." "Hurry! So'm I in a hurry. I was cal'latin' to run acrost to the deepo and see Helen Kendall start for Boston. She's goin' this morning; did you know it?"

"Why, hello, Jim!" he exclaimed. "What are you doing here? Just come, have you?" His friend shook his head. "No, Captain Warren," he said; "I'm just going." "Goin'? What for? Been up to the house, of course? Caroline told you where I'd gone and that I was cal'latin' to hurry back, didn't she?" "Yes." "Well, then, course you ain't goin'! You're goin' to stay to dinner.

"What did you say?" "I said I was cal'latin' to. Told him I hated to get out of the high-society circles I'd been livin' in lately, but that everyone had their comedowns in this world." "Ho, ho! that was a good one. What answer did he make to that?" "Well, he said the 'high society' would miss me. Then he finished up with a piece of advice. 'Berry, says he, 'don't move onto that lot TOO quick.