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"It were fitter that the name of thine inamorata were first declared elsewhere than in this presence!" "Not so, my father," Marcantonio replied, undaunted. "For I first would ask a grace of our most illustrious Signoria, the which may it indeed please them to grant, or never shall I bring a bride to the Ca' Giustiniani.

C'est le même chose! 'tis all one; such is the streakiness of life." Mr. Peter Bús did not like this speech at all. "You would do better to ask yourself where you are going to lie to-night, for I am sure I should very much like to know." "Ah, ça, 'tis interessant. Then is there no guest-chamber here?" "There is, but it is already occupied." "C'est rien! We'll go halves.

"Is that where you are going to dine?" asked Maxime. "Yes, with the director of the London opera-house, Emile Blondet, Finot, Lousteau, Felicien Vernon, Theodore Gaillard, Hector Merlin, and Bixiou, who was commissioned to invite me, as it seems they are in want of my experience and capacity for business!" "Ah ca! then there's some financial object in this dinner?"

An honest wife she is, but sair she's been trysted wi' misfortunes, the loss o' twa decent lads o' sons, in the time o' the persecution, as they ca' it nowadays; and doucely and decently she has borne her burden, blaming nane and condemning nane. If there's an honest woman in the world, it's Bessie Maclure.

The deputies objected to this grant being asked only from the lands de par de ça the Netherlands and not from the Burgundies. Secondly, they wished a definite assessment imposed on each province. Thirdly, they desired a declaration that the fiefs and arrière-fiefs already bound to furnish troops should be exempt from share in this tax. The remonstrance was courtly in tone.

"And by my saul, my freend, ye may just as weel finish it noo, for deil a glass o' his ain wine did Bob M'Grotty, as ye ca' him, swallow this day."

We left the cars, and flowed with the tide into the Salle d'Attente, to wait till the baggage was sorted. Then came the famous ceremony of unlocking. The officer took my carpet bag first, and poked his hand down deep in one end. "What is this?" "That is my collar box." "Ah, ca" And he put it back hastily, and felt of my travelling gown. "What is this?" "Only a wrapping gown."

And presently it was revealed to him that, if he were in the horse market wanting to buy, and a man there who had to sell said to him "He wadna du for you, sir; ye wad be tired o' 'im in a week," he would never remark, "What a fool the fellow is!" but "Weel noo, I ca' that neibourly!"

"Tolerable luck!" he repeated; "yes, truly, my lord, I am told that you have tolerable luck, and that ye ken weel how to use that jilting quean, Dame Fortune, like a canny douce lad, willing to warm yourself in her smiles, without exposing yourself to her frowns. And that is what I ca' having luck in a bag."

Upon learning who I was, he shook me heartily by the hand, and said that nothing would give him greater pleasure than taking charge of the books, which he would endeavour to circulate to the utmost of his ability. "Will not your doing so bring you into odium with the clergy?" "Ca!" said he; "who cares? I am rich, and so was my father before me.