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The letters from town, which a few days before would have made every nerve in Elinor's body thrill with transport, now arrived to be read with less emotion that mirth. Mrs. Jennings wrote to tell the wonderful tale, to vent her honest indignation against the jilting girl, and pour forth her compassion towards poor Mr.

"And I remember you told me then that you were much pleased." "So I was. George was doing well then; or, which is more likely, had made us believe that he was doing well. Have you made it up with him again?" "Yes, sir." "And that's the meaning of your jilting Mr Grey, is it?" Poor Alice! It is hard to explain how heavy a blow fell upon her from the open utterance of that word!

"Might might I see it?" huskily inquired Mrs. De Peyster. "Sure. The more that corroborates it the better." Her face to the wall, the faint light slanting across her shoulder, she glanced at the letter. The Duke's own handwriting! And a jilting letter! politely worded but a jilting letter!... Mrs. De Peyster jilted!... If that were ever to come out

She was sixteen before she began to consider herself a heartless, flirtatious, unstable, jilting sort of a girl. When she made this discovery, she was terribly ashamed, and for one long depressing year fell in love with nobody, became very shy, and hated herself. It was during this year that she had her first, last, and only touch of mania. It lasted only a little while and was not acute.

Frances had been out for three years, and was a social favourite. Consequently, it may be wondered why she was unhappy. In plain English, Frances Farquhar had been jilted just a commonplace, everyday jilting!

Didn't I hear a rumour that some woman had jilted Rose thrown him over for a richer man, or something of the sort?" "Well" Barry bit his lip "since you know so much yes." "And possibly this marriage was in the nature of a reprisal? Intended to show the jilting lady that to put it plainly there were still good fish in the sea?" "Yes in a way it was." "Ah! Now I understand.

This is a manifest and unmerited grievance, since it throws the censure of the vulgar and unlearned entirely upon the philosopher; whereas the fault is not to be ascribed to his theory, which is unquestionably correct, but to the waywardness of Dame Nature, who, with the proverbial fickleness of her sex, is continually indulging in coquetries and caprices, and seems really to take pleasure in violating all philosophic rules, and jilting the most learned and indefatigable of her adorers.

Indeed, if ever I jilt you, you shall have it back. Engaged girls honourable ones! always give presents back on jilting. Do let me have it!" Adrian laughed at her earnestness. "I'm not going to poison myself," said he. "Unless you jilt me! So it comes to exactly the same thing, either way. There be easy now! I've promised.

Then she became angry in her heart against Cecilia, who she felt had set a dangerous example in this practice of jilting. Had Cecilia not treated Sir Francis so unceremoniously he certainly would not have dared so to treat her. There was truth in this, as in that case Sir Francis would at this moment have been the husband of Mrs. Western. But what should she do?

And when business was over, Champagny not a whit the worse for the severe jilting which he had so recently sustained from the widow De Bours, now Mrs. Aristotle Patton invited De Loo and Secretary Cosimo to supper.