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Ye'd better strip." Dickson removed his boots and socks. "Breeks too," commanded the boy; "there's deep holes ayont thae stanes." Dickson obeyed, feeling very chilly, and rather improper. "Now follow me," said the guide. The next moment he was stepping delicately on very sharp pebbles, holding on to the end of the scout's pole, while an icy stream ran to his knees.

The dress of almost every foreign army in Europe was represented among the regiments forming or in transit. The 79th Highlanders, it is true, discarded kilt and bagpipe on the eve of departure, marching in blouse and cap and breeks of army blue; but the 14th.

"For ma ain pairt," Soutar used to declare, "a' canna mak' up my mind, but there's ae thing sure: the Glen wudna like tae see him withoot them; it wud be a shock tae confidence. There's no muckle o' the check left, but ye can aye tell it, and when ye see thae breeks comin' in ye ken that if human pooer can save yir bairn's life it 'ill be dune."

But apparently there were others, for one day when a player for whom he was carrying asked him if he knew the Lord Justice-Clerk, who happened just then to be passing in a foursome, Sandy replied, "That's Lord Kingsbury, ye mean. O ay, he's a great freen' o' mine. Naebody kens his lordship better nor me. Thae's his breeks I've on."

You cannot "get the breeks off a Highlander," and after a week or two not a cod tail or a cent would have been available from Ike. As it was, my coming to the assistance of my poor friend happened to save the "entente" from being a tragedy, and enabled us to relegate the whole incident to our comedy group.

Gellatley on an excursion of such unwonted extent, Edward began to dress himself in all haste, during which operation the minstrelsy of Davie changed its tune more than once: There's nought in the Highlands but syboes and leeks, And lang-leggit callants gaun wanting the breeks, Wanting the breeks, and without hose and shoon, But we'll a'win the breeks when King Jamie comes hame.

They may quarrel among themsells, and gie ilk ither ill names, and maybe a slash wi' a claymore; but they are sure to join in the lang run, against a' civilised folk, that wear breeks on their hinder ends, and hae purses in their pouches." Apparently these admonitions were not altogether thrown away on Captain Thornton.

Tom Breeks cast his hat to earth. "I'm dashed if I can bring in the bundle!" There was no telling how conduct like this might have been received by the Yellow-and-Blues if Mr. Barrett had not spoken. "You mean everything when you say 'Union, and you're quite right not to be tautological. You can't give such a blow with your fingers as you can with your fists, can you?" Up went a score of fists.

"It sticks in my mind that he would take it very ill," says Alan. "But the little man cried to me to run, and indeed I thought it was a good observe, and ran. The last that I saw they were all in a knot upon the beach, like folk that were not agreeing very well together." "What do you mean by that?" said I. "Well, the fists were going," said Alan; "and I saw one man go down like a pair of breeks.

It was even rumoured that the egregious Selamlik Pasha, with the sugar plantation near by "Trousers," Dicky called him when he saw him on the morrow, because of the elephantine breeks he wore was not averse to sending his Abyssinian slaves through the sugar-cane to waylay and rob, and worse, maybe. By five o'clock next day the inspection was over.