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"Go to sleep," cried Singh, and there was a dull sound of Glyn's head going bang down into the pillow, in which his right ear was deeply buried while his left was carefully corked with a finger, and a minute or two later nothing was heard in the dormitory but the steady restful breathing of two strong healthy lads.

I was not even troubled by the desire to recall anything; I was full of a complete contentment, and this surging up of familiar things, this surging up of it in a foreign place, without excuse or possible connexion or any explanation whatsoever, seemed to me as natural as breathing.

Breathing deeply, Astro and Roger flopped down near Tom and stretched full length on the grass. "That was a beautiful shot, Roger," said Tom. "Perfectly timed!" "Yeah, hot-shot," agreed Astro, "I'm glad to see that big head of yours is good for something!"

Thus meditating, she passed the still midnight hour by his bedside. The nurse fell asleep, nor did a violent thunder storm interrupt her repose, though it made the night appear still more terrific to Mary. Her father's unequal breathing alarmed her, when she heard a long drawn breath, she feared it was his last, and watching for another, a dreadful peal of thunder struck her ears.

Pepper caught his chum in his arms and brought him out and laid him on the grass. "He is still breathing!" he cried. "Get some water and we'll bathe his face. Maybe that will bring him around." "I'll get the water!" exclaimed Dale, and ran towards a well located at the side of the orchard.

Laura started from her reveries, and going over to the fireplace, where the beef-tea was standing, poured out half a cup; but, owing to great difficulty in breathing, it was some time before the patient could drink it. After a long silence Kate said: 'I've been very ill, haven't I? I think I must be dying.

One of the boys quickly took his place at the head of the bucket line, and he ran inside and up the stairs to the room indicated by Margaret, covering his mouth with his hand to keep from breathing smoke. He found the door, burst it open, and saw a bed in a corner with a small child asleep.

Why 'ain't you been, like a man, an' gi'n yourself up, instid o' livin' here, turnin' my kitchen upside down? Now you tell me all about it! It'll do ye good." "I'm goin'," said the man, breathing hard as he spoke, "I'm goin' away from here tonight. They never'll take me alive. It was this way.

Indeed, she so strongly reminded me of that figure, that, when I recall the events of her life, as she narrated them to me, I imagine her as a living, breathing impersonation of that work of art. I do not recollect ever to have been conversant with any one who had more of that silent and subtle power which we call personal presence than this woman.

Both were breathing hard. "To think," he said, with a sort of repressed violence, "that you, of all women, should be Clarence Breckenridge's wife!" "Not long!" she answered, in a whisper. "You mean that you are really going to leave him, Rachael?" "I mean that I must, Greg, if I am not to go mad!" "And where will you go?" she asked. "Oh to Vera, to Elinor." She paused, frowning.