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Bigamy, seduction, adultery, are the incidents on which the story turns, and an effort is always made by the novelist to give to the sinners as attractive and interesting an aspect as possible, and to hold up any respectable people who may appear in the book to the contempt and derision of the reader. Perhaps we would be wrong in blaming a writer for his or her vulgarity.

He came to me at Judson's hotel, after he left the sugar on the counter, and told me the goddess would not accept the offering of a maimed man. I did not know what to do. I went with my mother to Pash's office, when she was arranging to prosecute Krill for bigamy. I met Tray there. He told me he had given the brooch to Pash, and that it was in the inner office.

A week from Thursday night Harpwood is to marry Mrs. Lockwin. It isn't no good. I want you to see Lockwin, and tell him for me that if his story gets out it wasn't me, and I want you to tell him for me that he mustn't let that poor widow commit no bigamy. It's an awful hole, that's what it is! It is tough on him!" He has worked on the problem for years. The man groans. There is a rap on the door.

Wouldn't they be remanded for bigamy sooner or later?" "They don't bother the Mormons, do they, Mr. Browne?" asked Saunders triumphantly. "Well, who is going to object among us?" "I am!" exclaimed Deppingham. "Your plan provides Browne with two charming wives and gives me but one. There's nothing to compel Mrs. Browne to marry me."

Willie joins with me in sending his best regards to your husband and children and believe me for ever your grateful friend. A Tale of Bigamy. Lillie Malcolm was the daughter of Scotch parents who had emigrated to Montreal about the year 1835. Her father was a schoolmaster, having a private school in the neighborhood of St.

DIVORCE: Absolute divorce for impotence, where the parties are within the degrees prohibited by the law, adultery, bigamy, extreme cruelty, habitual indulgence in violent and ungovernable temper, habitual intemperance, desertion for one year, if husband or wife has obtained a divorce elsewhere and if the applicant has been a citizen of Florida for two years. There is no limited divorce.

But that was not at all the state of his mind in reference to his son-in-law Augustus Smirkie. Sometimes, as he had heard Mr. Smirkie inveigh against the enormity of bigamy and of this bigamist in particular, he had determined that some 'odd-come-shortly, as he would call it, he would give the vicar of Plum-cum-Pippins a moral pat on the head which should silence him for a time.

"Is is somebody passing himself off as me?" he demanded. "'Cos if he is I'll 'ave you both up for bigamy." "Certainly not." "But but " Mr. Davis turned and looked blankly at his friend. Mr. Wotton met his gaze with dilated eyes. "You say you recognize me as your wife?" said the old lady. "Certainly," said Mr. Davis, hotly. "It's very curious," said the other "very. But are you sure? Look again."

"It's bigamy," ses Joe Morgan. "You'd get six months," ses his wife. "Don't you worry, dear," ses Mrs. Pearce, nodding at George Hatchard; "that man's made a mistake." "Mistake!" ses Bill Flurry. "Why, I tell you I talked to 'im. It was Charlie Pearce right enough; scar on 'is forehead and a wart on 'is left ear and all." "It's wonderful," ses Mrs. Pearce.

"Yes; your mother went out to India on speculation, passing off as a single girl, and was very well married there, I was going to say; however, she committed a very splendid bigamy." "Good heavens! how totally destitute of principle!" "Your father asserts that your mother was a freethinker, Japhet; her father had made her one; without religion a woman has no stay.