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Updated: January 19, 2025

A thousand wounds are piercing David Lockwin, yet he does not lose a word. "Then she cool off a considerable, and ask me for to excuse her. 'Oh, it is all right, says I, a little tart. 'That will be all right. "Then she fall right on her knees, and pray to David Lockwin to forgive her for even thinking he isn't dead.

Lockwin, said he, as he came home with his basket he goes to his son's hotel each day for family stores 'I often say to Mary that the happiest moment in my day is when I give an apple or an orange to your boy, for the look on that child's face is the nearest we ever get to heaven on this earth." "O, beautiful! beautiful! Mr. Lockwin." "Yes, indeed, Esther.

If Davy were the flesh and blood of Lockwin, perhaps Lockwin might determine that the child should follow its own wishes as to the taking of ipecac. But this question of murder this general feeling of Chicago that its babes are slaughtered willfully takes hold of the man powerfully as he gathers his own scattered forces of life. "Esther, will you not go to the rear chamber and sleep?"

Patience shall be his motto. He will communicate with Esther through a spiritual medium. He will better yet write to her anonymously. Every day a type-written missive shall be sent to her. He will have her! It is all possible! "It is all easy!" David Lockwin says, and goes resolutely at work to save the remnants of his fortune. For a year he turns the inertia of his love into his daily business.

He is sure to be elected to-morrow, and I heard a very prominent man say the other day that he wouldn't be surprised if Lockwin should some day be President of the United States. They call him the people's idol. I don't know but he is." "I don't believe he appreciates his good fortune," says the wife. "Perhaps he has had too much."

"TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS REWARD. This sum of money will be paid for the recovery of the body of the Hon. David Lockwin, lost in Georgian Bay the morning of Oct. 17. When last seen the body was afloat in the yawl of the propeller Africa, off Cape Croker. For full particulars and suggestions, address H. M. H. Wandrell, Chicago, Ill." This advertisement may be seen everywhere.

A Napoleon would have massed his forces and conquered precincts. But Napoleon himself sometimes displayed the white feather. And that is the only way in which Corkey resembles Napoleon. "It is estimated," says the opposition press, "that Lockwin, the rich man's candidate, backed by the machine, the organized toughs of the 'Levee, and the gamblers, has spent over $25,000 of corruption money.

"He is naturally an unhappy man," she says, "but Davy and I are making him happier." "Of all the men I have ever known," says one of the guests to his wife, as they walk the few steps they must take, "I think David Lockwin is the most blessed. All that money could do was dedicated to his education. He is a brilliant man naturally. He has married Esther Wandrell.

Corkey, Lockwin and forty wood-choppers are saved on the raft. The captain goes down on his ship, refusing to live longer. "You bet!" comments the laboring, perspiring Corkey. Corkey is a short man, short in speech. This "full account" is a grievous responsibility, for marine reporters are taught to "boil it down." The raft goes to pieces in mid-sea, and the survivors take to the yawl.

By the great jumping Jewhillikins, that's a wave in the stateroom windows! I never see anything like that." The captain passes. "High sea, cap'n!" It is not in good form for Corkey to rise. He is a passenger, with a navigator's reputation to sustain. "High hell!" says the captain. "What a hullabaloo them choppers is a-making," says Corkey to Lockwin. "I reckon they're about scared to death.

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