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Jane remains at Chesterford, leading her solitary life and loving him. Meantime the vicar, Mr. Follett, a man of strong nature, much tenderness, and great tact, whose character is admirably drawn, loves Jane, and quietly bides his time. After ten years, however, Mohun returns, walks into Jane's parlor, and asks her to be friends with him.

He is in heaven now, and happy; or if not there, he bides in hell and is content; for in that place he will find neither abbot nor yet bishop. We were boy and girl together; we were man and wife these five and twenty years, and never separated till this day. Think how long that is to love and suffer together.

Maurice got out into the darkness, and asked the guard the name of the house in which Mrs. Dale lived. "Mrs. Dale," he said, in the broad Cumberland dialect, "Oh, she bides at End Cottage." Maurice stared at his rugged face peering above the round lamp which he held. "End Cottage?" "Yes, sir. The poor lady took it on a six months' lease, but I hear she's "

"Not him," he answered, "I've cheated him bonny, he hasna a notion wha I am. Corp, would you like a good laugh?" "That I would." "Weel, then, I'll tell you wha he thinks I am. Do you ken a little house yont the road a bitty irae Monypenny?" "I ken no sic house," said Corp, "except Aaron's." "Aaron's the man as bides in it," Tommy continued hastily, "at least I think that's the name.

'My body bides the sad abode of grief and malady, * Caused by a fawn whose land and home are in a far countrie: O ye two Zephyrs of the wold which caused such pain in me * By Allah, Lord of you! to him my heart's desire, go ye And chide him so perchance ye soften him I pray.

His keen eyes, raised for a second, noted it, and he shut his own with a snap and returned it to his pocket. His manner lost its wariness and became almost genial. 'Ye've come up to see Glasgow, Mr Brand? Well, it's a steerin' bit, and there's honest folk bides in it, and some not so honest. They tell me ye're from South Africa.

'But, my good friend, Woodbourne is not burnt, said Bertram. 'Weel, the better for them that bides in't, answered the store-farmer. 'Od, we had it up the water wi' us that there wasna a stane on the tap o' anither. But there was fighting, ony way; I daur to say it would be fine fun!

There's the hole noo! My fit made it, and there it'll hae to bide! It's a some fearsome thing, divna ye think, 'at what aiven the fit o' a body dis, bides? What for disna the hole gang awa whan the fit lifts? Luik ye there! Ye see thae twa stanes stan'in up by themsels, and there's the hole atween the twa!

"Proud he is as a silly peacock, and terrible frightened of seeming to look after money, or even casting his eye where it bides; but he came to you without any notion of the windfall, and he loved you for yourself, like an honest man; and you loved him the same way; and right well you know that if your old cousin had left you five thousand pound instead of five hundred, Jonathan Drake was the right chap for you.

"I hope there will be no lawlessness here," said she: "whether he goes or bides, surely the burghers of Inner-aora will not quietly see their Provost's domicile invaded by brawlers." "Exactly so," said John Splendid, drily. "Nothing may come of it, but you might mention the affair to MacLachlan if you have the chance.