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But that little hat would never be the same again after being used as a goad for Ida Bellethorne. Betty sighed, and gave up her attempt. When they came to the place in the ravine where the wires were down Dr. Pevy drew up Standby. The mare snorted, recognizing the spot. But the electrical display was over, for the power had been turned off.

Staples, you saw me pick it up." "But how did it come there?" "Oh, I know!" Ida Bellethorne cried, with sudden animation. "That girl stood right there. She opened her bag to get out her purse and she must have flirted it out to the floor." "Humph!" said the storekeeper doubtfully. "Give it to me, Mrs. Staples, and I'll run after her," cried the English girl anxiously. "Humph!" This was Mrs.

As it was, when the three girls reached him, he was unconscious and it was plain by the attitude in which he lay that his leg was broken. "Poor Hunchie!" murmured Ida Bellethorne, "I hope it wasn't because he was surprised to see me that he fell." "His surprise did not make that timber slippery with ice," said Betty, looking up. "Oh! Here's a lady!"

"I was trying to find the Candace Farm," choked Ida Bellethorne. "I want to know!" said Jaroth. "That's the stockfarm where they pasture so many sportin' hosses. Candace, he makes a good thing out of it. But it's eight miles from here and not in the direction we're going, Mr. Gordon." "We will take her along to Mountain Camp," said Uncle Dick. "One more will not scare Mrs. Canary, I am sure."

Canary's men had smoothed a coasting course down the hillside to the lake not a quarter of a mile from the Overlook. There was a nest of toboggans in one of the outhouses. Tobogganing afforded the nine young people much sport. For the others insisted that Ida Bellethorne share in all their good times.

Ida knew that although her aunt had come to the Park in amity, there was a quarrel between her father and aunt before the haughty and beautiful concert singer went away, never more to appear at Bellethorne, not even to attend her brother's funeral.

Candace in the house, and the two removed Hunchie's outer garments and made him as comfortable as possible while the girls waited in much excitement in the sitting room. "He saw one of you girls and knows you," said Mrs. Candace, coming out of the bedroom. "But he talks about that mare, Ida Bellethorne." "This is Ida Bellethorne," said Betty, pointing to the English girl. "I declare!

Guess I needn't be afraid of them." There were perils in her path most unexpected perils. Betty would never have even dreamed of what really threatened her. For fifteen minutes Ida Bellethorne galloped on and the girl knew she must have come a third of the way to Dr. Pevy's office. The mare's first exuberance passed. Of her own volition she drew down to a canter.

Bears, and wild cats, and perhaps even the larger Canadian lynx, might be hovering in the dark wood. It would not be pleasant to have one of those animals spring out at one, perhaps from an overhanging limb, as the little mare and her rider dashed beneath! "Just the same," the girl thought, "at the pace Ida Bellethorne is carrying me, such wild animals couldn't jump quick enough to catch me.

The two girls did not tell Bob Henderson all that had happened in the little shop when they first came out. They were in too much haste to get to the other places where it might be possible that Betty had dropped her locket. Of all things, they did not suspect that Mrs. Staples knew the first thing about it. But they did tell the boy that Ida Bellethorne had gone away.