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There were books, too, such as Ella and Frank themselves liked to read; and there was a handsome little clock for the mantel but there was not anywhere a pair of bed-slippers or a neckerchief. At last they were all opened, and there remained not one little red bow to untie.

Cary plunged her hands in and tossed out an embroidered white satin negligee, a pair of white satin bed-slippers, and a nightgown that was a mere wisp of sheer silk and lace; then drew forth three trunk-checks, and a bundle an inch thick of crisp, new bank-notes, and pulled one out, blushing and hesitating.

They would do for some one, he assured himself. And not until he had dropped them in his pocket did it occur to him that he was buying presents for only a boy, a bachelor, and a middle-aged spinster. Manifestly a string of beads would not do for Jimmy or Uncle Harold, so they must do for Aunt Harriet. He had meant to buy bed-slippers for her, but, perhaps, after all, she would prefer beads.

"Yes," nodded Lydia Ann timidly. "Well, ain't there somethin' you can think of sides slippers you'd like for Christmas 'specially as you never wear crocheted bed-slippers?" Lydia Ann stirred uneasily. "Why, of course, Samuel," she began hesitatingly, "bed-slippers are very nice, an' " "So's codfish!" interrupted Samuel in open scorn.

She went to bed early because the kitchen was so cold. She thought "we can talk in bed." The lock of her door was broken, and she could not shut it tight. Through this the air came chilly. Miss Amanda put on her flannel wrapper and her bed-slippers and sat down before the open fire in her sleeping-room. Some way she couldn't keep her thoughts from that little back attic room.

Average Jones looked at Kirby with lifted brows of inquiry. Kirby nodded, indicating that the end room was Mrs. Hales'. "How was the man dressed?" asked Average Jones. "Grayish dressing-gown and bed-slippers. He was tall and had gray hair." "Many thanks. Now, Mr. Kirby, will you take me to see Mrs. Hale?" The young widow received them in her sitting-room.

As for Aunt Harriet and Jimmy their case was too simple for even a second thought: to one he would give a pair of bed-slippers; to the other, a book. Some minutes later Jasper Hawkins tucked into his pocketbook an oblong bit of paper on which had been neatly written: Uncle Harold, bachelor, 65 years old Pipe.

A pair of crimson bed-slippers peeped from under the bed, another pair, absurdly small, outrageously high-heeled, buckled and crimson, made a splash of colour near the dressing-table.

"Samuel, Samuel, they're presents an' for us!" she quavered joyously. "It's the bed-slippers and the neckerchiefs, an' they did 'em all up in white paper an' red ribbons just for us." At the corner of the mantelpiece a woman choked suddenly and felt for her handkerchief.

Those pink-satin evening slippers simply lose all their display value when you stick those red-kid bed-slippers right up ferninst them that way. "Yes, yes, that's so. I'm much obliged to you for the tip, Mr. Appleby. That's what it is to be trained in a big burg. But I'll have to rearrange it myself. That boy Peter is no good. I'm letting him go, come Saturday."