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I was flung plumb out of bed and against the wall, and the house next to mine, or the one I war in, went plumb out into the middle of the street. Lord! what a yellin' there was inside! Nobody hurt, but one woman went plumb out'r her mind. They've got her tied to the bed-post now. And what a lootin' of saloons there was until the soldiers marched in!

And likewise with hardness and softness, the child who strikes his head against the bed-post is forcibly reminded by nature that such things are to be avoided, and feeling that it is hard and that hardness has a certain look, it avoids that kind of thing in the future.

When Wendy returned diffidently she found Peter sitting on the bed-post crowing gloriously, while Jane in her nighty was flying round the room in solemn ecstasy. "She is my mother," Peter explained; and Jane descended and stood by his side, with the look in her face that he liked to see on ladies when they gazed at him. "He does so need a mother," Jane said. "Yes, I know."

Dorry hung his on one side of the fireplace, and John hers exactly opposite. Clover and Phil suspended theirs side by side, on two handles of the bureau. "I'm going to put mine here, close to Katy, so that she can see it the first fing in the mornin'," said Elsie, pinning hers to the bed-post.

Saying nothing to any one, he tied the tub-line to a bed-post, as being more trustworthy still than the heavy chair, and carried with him the great knife that the meat had been cut with the evening before. He made for the stable first, and joined the rope he knew to be there to his line, so as to make it twice the length it was before.

Zat you have not non you have not ze education, ze fine manners, ze savoir faire of monsieur." With that expressive shrug of the shoulder, so characteristic of his nation, he added: "Mais que voulez vous? We must do ze best we can." His listener struck the brass bed-post savagely with his heavy fist. With a burst of profanity he broke out: "Yes, damn him! He had all the advantages. I had none.

In his fervour to begin observing he directed that an old telescope, which he had used in his first celestial attempts, should be tied at one end to the bed-post, and at the other fixed near his eye as he reclined. Equipped only with this rough improvisation he began to take notes.

The candle was still alight and the gun was leaning against the bed-post; but the visitor had disappeared. Conscious of an odd feeling of disappointment, she looked round the empty room. "Come and look at him," entreated a voice, and she turned and beheld the amused countenance of her late prisoner at the door. "I've been watching from the back window," he said, nodding.

I made a splendid heave, an' sent it right in at the window. The old man caught it. "`Make fast to a bed-post, I roared, `or a table, or chest o' drawers anything big. "He understood me, I could see, and presently he looked over the window an' shook his head. Then I could see the face of a dark-haired, beautiful girl.

On Christmas morning, at three o'clock, there was a great bustle and pattering of little feet, and buzzing of little voices trying to speak in whispers. Susy and Prudy were awake and astir. "Where do you s'pose the stockings are?" buzzed Prudy, in a very loud whisper. "Right by the bed-post, Prudy Parlin; and if you don't take care we'll wake everybody up. 'Sh! 'Sh!"