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When he emerged once more at the end of twenty minutes, he was attired in an elegant and close-fitting suit of heather tweed. The pair then made successive visits to a shoe-maker, a hatter, and a draper, with the result that Von Baumser developed patent leather boots, a jaunty brown hat, and a pair of light yellow gloves.

We'd best kape on until we find the aisiest place to scale it." "I could get over it here," Tom said eagerly. "Wait a bit. A few minutes can make no difference one way or the other. Ould Sir Colin used to say that there were more battles lost by over-haste than by slowness. What's the high bank running along on the right here?" "Dat's a railway bankment," said Von Baumser.

"You have probosed, then?" cried the good-natured German, forgetting all about his grievance in an instant. "Yes." "And been took received by her?" "Yes." "Dat Is gloriful!" Von Baumser cried, clapping his hands. "Three hochs for Frau Scully, and another one for Frau Clutterbuck. We must drink a drink on it; we truly must." "So we shall, me boy, but it's time we turned in now.

"Get away into the bedroom." "Potztausand! Vot is it then?" cried the astonished Teuton. "Out with you! I want this room to meself." Von Baumser shrugged his shoulders and lumbered off like a good-natured plantigrade, closing the door behind him.

No, thank you, major; I shall stand out, or there will be no one to receive the people." She hurried away to greet a party of new arrivals, while the major and Baumser wandered off in search of partners. There was no want of spirit or of variety in the dancing at Morrison's. From Mr.

"Of course, I remember him well." "He is not so very old either," said Von Baumser, in a somewhat surly voice. "He has been took by a very charming and entirely pleasant woman, and they are about to be married before three months, the one to the other.

One of us will manage to see the young lady and find out if she requoires assistance. Bedad, if she does, she shall have it, guardian or no guardian. If we don't whip her out in a brace of shakes me name's not Clutterbuck." "You must remember," remarked Baumser, "dat dese people are desperate. If dey intend to murder a voman dey vould certainly not stick at a man or two men.

Instead o' that the bank broke me, and yet I believe me system was correct enough, and I must have won if I had had more capital." "There is many says dat," grunted Von Baumser doubtfully. "I believe it for all that," the major continued. "Why, man, I was always the luckiest chap at cards. I depinded on me skill principally, but still I had luck as well.

Discipline goes to pieces in a war of that sort." "Dat is what you call gorilla warfare," said Von Baumser, with a proud consciousness of having mastered an English idiom. "For all dat, discipline is a very fine thing very good indeed. I vell remember in the great krieg the war with Austria we had made a mine and were about to fire it.

At last he broke out with an oath. "Be George! Baumser, I can't stand that young fellow Girdlestone. I'll have to chuck him up. He's such a cold-blooded, flinty-hearted, calculating sort of a chap, that " The remainder of the major's sentence was lost in the beer flagon. "What for did you make him your friend, then?"