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Meantime the police and public should remember that many men in London pick up a living by arranging humorous little midnight interviews like that which I went through. Only the professionals work on the Thames Embankment, and the "bashed" man, instead of going into six inches of mud, never is heard of again till his carcass is brought before the coroner.

All the time I watched him, and kept saying to myself, 'You hunted me up the Dyve Burn, but I bashed your face for you. Indeed, I thought I could see faint scars on his cheek. The following night I had toothache, and could not sleep. It was too hot to breathe under cover, so I got up, lit a pipe, and walked on the after-deck to ease the pain.

"I'm gaun to the Sabbath-school treat this afternoon," said that worthy. "And you, Jock-are you going too?" "No me! I'm ower auld, and besides, I've cast out wi' the minister." "How was that?" "Oh, I had been fechtin'," said Jock airily. "It was Andra Laidlaw. He called me ill names, so I yokit on him and bate him too, but I got my face gey sair bashed.

He have bashed the head of her as should ha' been the apple of his eye, and he does not care a he does not care; but mark my words, his home it will now be desolate, no more shall she meet him at his door with kindly smile, he have done for her quite, and now he is a hunted man. Oh, be warned by his sad igsample, and do not bash the head of your loving wife."

The youth moved a pace or two nearer, and the scent of his honest heat afflicted Ashurst's nostrils. "What d'yu stay yere for?" "Because it pleases me." "Twon't please yu when I've bashed yure head in!" "Indeed! When would you like to begin that?" Joe answered only with the loudness of his breathing, but his eyes looked like those of a young and angry bull.

He must have a brain concussion, that would explain his earlier inability to move or think straight. The cold air was numbing his face and he willingly pulled the hairy skin back over his head. He wondered what had happened to Mikah Samon after the local thug in the horror outfit had bashed him with the club.

It went on a little, then stopped; whereupon he beat it grievously; but the more he bashed it, the more it drew back; for it was affrighted at the dead woman and could not go forward. Thereupon the Miller, unknowing what hindered the donkey, took out a knife and goaded it again and again, but still it would not budge.

"Now, then, none of your jokes!" said a cross man behind us, who seemed to attribute our descent to rowdyism. Taylor stood up with his soft felt hat bashed over one eye, his spectacles broken, and laughed, and laughed, and laughed! Lavender Sweep was a sort of house of call for everyone of note.

"Bad 'cess to the 'terrier! I have a good mind to punch him in the ear-hole." "That would fetch a bashing, Pat." "Troth, and I've had a bashing once afore, and what I've had once I can do with agin." "Did you holloa when you were bashed?" "Holloa! by the piper, I sang out

"Landlord?" ses Bill, puffing and blowing in the basin. "Wot landlord?" "Why, the one you bashed," ses Ginger, with a wink at the other two. "He 'adn't got 'is senses back when me and Sam came away."