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We won't need any more than that to nab the Huns, because we'll have the advantage of the surprise if our plans go through all right." "But how are we going to get the boat?" asked Bart. "Swim over for it," replied Frank. "I'll attend to that. Give me a dark night and it's all I ask." "Let's see what the corporal has to say about it," suggested Bart. The corporal listened with interest.

I've heard them say many a time that if it hadn't been for us they'd have been in Paris long ago and maybe in London." "I guess they were pretty near right at that," remarked Frank. "They surely were," agreed Billy. "Your Uncle Samuel came along just in the nick of time." "But go ahead, Tom," urged Bart. "What did they do with you after that?"

"See you later, shipmate." He raised his closed fist in farewell, and went. Bart stood in the corridor, feeling astounded and strange. He belonged here! He had a right to be on board the ship! He wasn't quite sure what to do next. A Lhari, as short and fat as a Lhari could possibly be and still be a Lhari, came or rather waddled out of the captain's office.

I think I'll be satisfied to settle down with you there to anchor me. I'm going to kiss you now, Juanita." "Oh, Gregoree " she murmured. His lips smothered the remainder of the protest. Honk! honk! honk! Frank glanced over his shoulder. "Automobile coming, Bart," he said. "She's raising a cloud of dust. Better give her plenty of room."

When he called the scholars in, after the recess, Bart quietly locked the outside door, and put the key in his pocket. He was cool, collected, and on the alert. The first class began to read, each rising while reading, and then sitting down. Bart had observed that Bingham sat with his book closed, and wholly inattentive to the exercise, and quietly placed himself within a few feet of his desk.

Bart ran for the hand truck on the platform, saw two of the men start off with his father on it, and hurried back to the burning express shed. He had hoped to save something, but one effort drove him back, realizing the foolhardiness of repeating the experiment. The building and its contents were doomed. The crowd began to gather and grew with the moments. A road official appeared on the scene.

This, then, I saw, was to be our modus vivendi; convention, the social customs we all had known, the art, the gloss, the veneer of life, as life runs on in society as we have organized it! Ah, she fought cunningly! "Black Bart," said L'Olonnois, after breakfast as we all stood on deck Helena, Auntie Lucinda and all "what's all them things floatin' around in the water?"

"Taken a header into the river, dived, and swum for his life." "Right, boy; but he was so scared and surprised that he sat there staring at the Injun, and gave him a chance to fire at him, being so near that the shot whistled by his ear and flattened on the rock behind, and fell on the shelf where he was sitting." "That woke him up, I suppose?" said Bart.

And Black Bart shrank and quivered, and his lips writhed back from the long, deadly teeth, and his snarl grew to a harsher, hoarser threat; still he did not remove his head, and he allowed the hand to touch him between the eyes and stroke the fur back to between the ears. Only one other hand had ever touched that formidable head in such a manner!

"Here's the corduroy road," said Bart, pointing to where the log highway began. "Ah, indeed," remarked Mr. Hardman. "Quite interesting. Made of little logs laid side by side. To prevent wagons from sinking down into the mud, I suppose?" "It isn't used much nowadays," volunteered Fenn. "It was built by the loggers when they were cutting some timber, but that was several years ago."