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'Explain my position? a poor exile's position to some double-chinned bourgeois papa who can only see that my immortal books are worth exactly two thousand marks banco; yes, that's the most I can wring out of those scoundrels in wicked Hamburg.

The third bank is the Banco Nacional de Santo Domingo, incorporated by Americans under the Dominican banking law of 1909, with a capital of $500,000. Although it has several branches, its business is not so active as that of the other banks, since it has lent most of its capital to the government.

Bar, strengthened as usual with his double eye-glass and his little jury droop, was overjoyed to see the engaging young Barnacle; and opined that we were going to sit in Banco, as we lawyers called it, to take a special argument? 'Indeed, said the sprightly young Barnacle, whose name was Ferdinand; 'how so? 'Nay, smiled Bar. 'If you don't know, how can I know?

Piang dipped his hands into the cool water, and pulled them up by long slender roots; lily-pads offered their beauties and soon the banco was a bower of fragrant and brilliant flowers. Playfully Piang caught at a vine, floating in the wake of an island. The natural boat led him gently about, twisting and circling back and forth. He laughed merrily. The islands were too funny!

Struggling with the tempest, Piang fought past the islands, reached the shore, turned his banco bottom side up, and crept underneath. The violent wind began to dash loose objects about, tearing limbs off trees and hurling them aloft as if they were mere splinters. A cocoanut crashed down, striking the ground near Piang; another fell, and yet another. Then the rain came in torrents.

Then he began to argue the question as to whether it would be fair and honorable to seek to take away from another man the woman who had pledged herself to marry him; and of course an easy and definite decision is sure to be arrived at when counsel on both sides and jury and judges sitting in banco are all one person, who conducts and closes the case as it suits himself.

Totius Anglioe in Banco Regis per 21 Annos continuos Capitalis Justitiarii Gulielmo Regi Annoequr Reginae Consiliarii perpetui: Libertatis ac Legum Anglicarum Assertoris, Vindicis, Custodis, Vigilis Acris & intrepidi, Rolandus Frater Uncius & Hoeres Optime de se Merito posuit, Die Martis Vto. 1709. Sublatus est ex Oculis nostris Natus 30 Decembris, Anno 1642.

'Tonio discountenances custom; he keeps his house-front black and forbidding; he gives you a pretty bad dinner; he locks his door at the dining hour; but he knows spaghetti as the boarding-house knows cold veal; and he has deposited many dollars in a certain Banco di something with many gold vowels in the name on its windows. To this restaurant Mr. Brunelli conducted Katy.

'A propos' of exchange; I hope you have, with the help of your secretary, made yourself correctly master of all that sort of knowledge Course of Exchange, 'Agie, Banco, Reiche-Thalers', down to 'Marien Groschen'. It is very little trouble to learn it; it is often of great use to know it. Good-night, and God bless you! BLACKHEATH, October 10, 1757

And then has he not built as only a painter could have done, in white and rose and green? He died too soon to see the fairest of his dreams, and it is really to two other artists Taddeo Gaddi and Francesco Talenti that the actual work, after the first five storeys those windows, for instance, that add so much to the beauty of the tower is owing. By Nanni di Banco. Duomo, Florence