United States or Antigua and Barbuda ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Both Buck and Avella looked quite as if they had been discussing the fact that, after all, were they not natural neighbors? Was not she from Idaho he from Montana? What more would anybody have? And so let us leave them. The war still goes on, grows in bitterness, fierceness, cruelty, all or mostly inaugurated by Fritz the Hun. How neat, how appropriate the name!

"Get into that shelter!" pointing at a half underground dugout near. "Run, run!" Avella, without lowering her glass, replied: "In just a minute, papa. See Mr. Blaine! My! What's he doing to that other horrid fellow?"

The Senator was writing letters while the girls were preparing for the evening meal. "Funny, isn't it, how we seem to be interested in those lads?" said Andra. "I think that young Blaine is just splendid." "He is no better than Mr. Bangs." This from Avella. "Just think, Buck is from Butte! Why, that is right next door to us in Idaho."

"You are mad, bebee; leave the fellow gorgio avella." And thereupon the females hurried away. A vehicle of some kind was evidently drawing nigh; in a little time it came alongside of the place where lay the fallen tent, and stopped suddenly. There was a silence for a moment, and then a parley ensued between two voices, one of which was that of a woman.

'You are mad, bebee; leave the fellow gorgio avella. And thereupon the females hurried away. A vehicle of some kind was evidently drawing nigh; in a little time it came alongside of the place where lay the fallen tent, and stopped suddenly. There was a silence for a moment, and then a parley ensued between two voices, one of which was that of a woman.

"Oh, I I think I understand." But she spoke with a certain repressed agitation. If Lafe had been less se1f-conscious he would have understood and doubtless felt flattered. As it was, he turned to Bangs, the Montana lad, now also seated in his pilot's place, with Avella on the other side saying something. He heard Bangs reiterate: "Oh, sure, Miss Vella! We'll be careful very careful you bet!

As may be imagined, both Andra and Avella were much concerned, though neither would admit it to the other or, for that matter, to any one else. Only once Andra, clinging to her sister, whispered timidly: "Sup suppose this poor chap never does revive, Vella? How will we ever know?" "We've got to know, Andra. Got to that's all I can say!"

Presently some more played, and he permitted one or two to win, and the eagerness to play with him became greater. After I had looked on for some time, I was moving away; just then I perceived a short, thick personage, with a staff in his hand, advancing in a great hurry; whereupon with a sudden impulse, I exclaimed: Shoon thimble-engro; Avella gorgio.

In the tonneau were two seats, each roomy enough for three. As the car started on, all chatting eagerly, Avella supplemented Andra's remark with: "Papa had to attend some kind of a war meeting at Versailles. He deputized us to welcome you., Mr. Erwin insisted oncoming, too." "Why, this is great, great!" enthused Blaine, his awkwardness all gone under the cordiality of this greeting.

Blaine had his glasses out, while listening to the comments of the girls on the difficulties they bad in bringing both boys into that hut and dressing their wounds. "We had to go for water," said Avella. "You see we hadn't been there but a day or so. I went, and nearly got lost among the old shell craters before I got to the spring that was an awful distance off. It was dark, and so smoky!