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Flashing in the sun, the spade bit into the beach, and coarse white sand spurted in all directions. The Phoenix was quite as excited as David. It danced around the deepening hole with eyes asparkle, shouting such piratical terms as "Shiver me timbers!" "Strike your colors!" and "Give 'em no quarter, lads!"

His large green-grey eyes seemed for ever asparkle with goblin mischief and the joy of revelry, and the curved lips might have been those of some wickedly-laughing faun; one almost expected to see embryo horns fretting the smoothness of his sleek dark hair. The chin was firm, but one looked in vain for a redeeming touch of ill-temper in the handsome, half-mocking, half-petulant face.

"Yes, isn't he," said Anna-Rose radiantly. "A boon to the breakfast-table " "Yes, isn't he," said Anna-Rose again, all asparkle. "He is so pleasant at breakfast." "Then he Mr. Twist Teapot Twist we call him where I live " "Teapot Twist?" said Anna-Rose. "I think that's irreverent." "Not at all. It's a pet name. A sign of our affection and gratitude. Then he isn't your uncle?"

Once more I am Antony, and once again I see my legions' spears asparkle in the sun, and hear the thunderous shout of welcome as Antony beloved Antony rides in pomp of war along his deep-formed lines! There's hope! there's hope! I may yet see the cold brows of Cæsar that Cæsar who never errs except from policy robbed of their victor bays and crowned with shameful dust!"

Doubtless he did expect it to occur every night, or so. Indeed! Very well. As if she were going to show now that she cared whether Bertram were there or not! They should see. So with head held high and eyes asparkle, Billy marched into the dining-room and took her accustomed place. It was a brilliant dinner because Billy made it so.

He counted them aloud then for no reason at all save that he had glanced into seven eager faces, thinner and sharper than he liked, for all they glowed with excitement and furtive interest in the long supper table asparkle with lights and holly, he wiped his glasses and patted Roger on the back. "Is your leg botherin' so much now, daddy Doctor?" demanded Roger.

Though thus clad as in time of peace and walking all the way on foot, he was hedged about by his faithful six hundred, every man stepping alertly, helmet-plumes waving, helmets glittering, shields gleaming, spear-points asparkle, kilt-straps flapping, scabbards clanking, a grim advertisement of irresistible power.

A cold snap has supervened, was indeed foretold in the evening by the garden caterpillars, who refused to come out despite appearances which to my duller senses seemed to promise a continuation of the fine weather. At daybreak the rosemary-walks are all asparkle with rime and for the second time this year there is a sharp frost. The large pond in the garden is frozen over.

"Take note how it progresses, by fits and starts, as it were," observed Featherwit, now in his glory, eyes asparkle and muscles aquiver, hair bristling as though full of electricity, face glowing with almost painful interest, as those shifting scenes were for ever imprinted upon his brain.

There, gazing down upon its spires asparkle in the early sunlight, while the city gradually awoke and the hum of its stirring began to swell through the air, he came to his decision. Clarice belonged to London; he did not. In Matanga she would be content for how long? The roughness, the absence of her kind and class, the makeshift air of transition, would soon destroy its charm of novelty.