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"Some people wouldn't 'ave given you any-thing," ses Peter. Sam gave way at last, and then 'e stood by making nasty remarks while Ginger wrote out a paper for them all to sign, because he said he had known Sam such a long time. It was a'most daylight afore they got to sleep, and the fust thing Ginger did when he woke was to wake Sam up, and offer to shake 'ands with him.

When 'e came back it was all quiet and everybody was staring their 'ardest at little Dicky Weed, the tailor, who was sitting with his head in his 'ands, thinking, and every now and then taking them away and looking up at the ceiling, or else leaning forward with a start and looking as if 'e saw something crawling on the wall. "Wot's the matter with you?" ses Mr. Smith.

Why I carried his bag up to number forty-seven with my own 'ands, and you know it." The girl was quite equal to the occasion. "You'd better hold your tongue," she said. "If you don't you'll get into trouble." "What for?" he inquired. "It's a free country, I 'ope.

I asked again, leaning against the side of the house, and wiping my forehead. "No, sir, nor 'urt," continued my faithful groom, hastening to relieve my mind; "you've no need to alarm yourself, sir, for we're all alive and 'earty, though I must say it's about the wust buster, sir, that you've yet turned out of 'ands.

"It was in a terrible temper," ses Joe, "and its face was awful to look at. 'Tell the watchman, it ses, 'that if he don't give you the watch and chain I shall appear to 'im agin and kill 'im." "All right," I ses, looking behind me to where three of the 'ands of the Daisy was sitting on the fo'c'sle smoking. "I've got plenty of company to-night." "Company won't save you," ses Joe.

Bill groaned and hid 'is face in his 'ands, and then Peter Russet went and spoilt things by saying that the safest place for a murderer to 'ide in was London. Bill gave a dreadful groan when 'e said murderer, but 'e up and agreed with Peter, and all Sam and Ginger Dick could do wouldn't make 'im alter his mind.

"For the last time, Rapkin," he cried in despair, "do you mean to tell me there's no dinner ready?" "Oh," said Rapkin, "there's dinner right enough, and a lot o' barbarious furriners downstairs a cookin' of it that's what broke Maria's 'art to see it all took out of her 'ands, after the trouble she'd gone to." "But I must have somebody to wait," exclaimed Horace.

We talked all night pretty near, and then, at ha'-past five, arf an hour afore the 'ands came on, I made up my mind to fetch a cab and drive 'em to my 'ouse. I wanted Rupert to go somewhere else, but 'e said he 'ad got nowhere else to go, and it was the only thing to get 'em off the wharf.

"All 'ands, ahoy!" shouted the steward, looking down the hatchway; "tumble up there, tumble up, 'ere come the Heskimows. Bring your harms with ye. Look alive!" "Ay, ay," shouted the men from below; and in a few minutes they crowded up the hatchway, pulling up their hoods and hauling on their mittens, for it was intensely cold.

The old man's taken train an' off to Bristol, to attend a revival meetin', or something o' the sort bein' turned pious since 'is wife died, w'ich is about eighteen months ago. I got that from the mate, when 'e shipped me. The mate's in charge; with the engineer an' two 'ands.