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A few minutes later, as Ranald was hitching up Farquhar's team, Aleck passed by, and in great good humor with himself, chaffingly called out to Ranald in the presence of a number of the men, "That's a fine girl you've got, Ranald. But you better keep your eye on her." Ranald made no reply. He was fast losing command of himself. "Pretty skittish to handle, isn't she?" continued Aleck.

"Well, you won't have to carry any more baggage for a long while to come," said Mr. Rover, with a smile, and then had Aleck take the things below. When Hans saw the elegant staterooms, and the main saloon of the steam yacht with its beautiful mirrors and rich carvings, his eyes bulged out like saucers. "Mine cracious!" he gasped. "Vos dis der poat we sail in, udder vos dis a poat pelonging to Mr.

The lad sprang, feet foremost, into the water, and rose directly from out of the depths, to strike out, and as Aleck tried hard to follow his movements, he heard him reach the weedy rock, drag himself out, and the rope was gently drawn more and more through his hands as the middy succeeded in getting erect upon the stone, close to its edge. "See that?" he shouted. "Yes."

"Now, look here, Aleck; I couldn't go to bed without trying to make peace between us. Don't contradict me, sir. I say you are stubborn. There, I'll give you one more chance. Now, then, why did you fight those lads?" "Don't ask me, uncle, please. I can't tell you." "But I do ask you, and I will know. Now, sir, why was it? For I'm sure there was some blackguardly reason.

"Why, Aleck, we'll HAVE it, you know and so soon, too. He's probably out of his troubles before this; it's a hundred to nothing he's selecting his brimstone-shovel this very minute. Now, I think " Aleck shuddered, and said: "How CAN you, Sally! Don't talk in that way, it is perfectly scandalous." "Oh, well, make it a halo, if you like, I don't care for his outfit, I was only just talking.

Fishberry, the Taker-In up at the Bank with the Chinchilla on the Larynx. For ten long years the White Slave tested Eggs and scooped the C Sugar. When Aleck became of Age, Mr. Blodgett was compelling him to take $30 the first of every month. He lived on Snowballs in the Winter and Dandelions in the Summer, but he had paid $800 on a two-story Brick facing Railroad Street.

Didn't I know him for three months in the hospital, where he came to see me every day? Indeed I do know Major Caspar, and I should be mighty glad to know of any way in which I could help him out of his present trouble." "It is strange that I never heard father speak of any Aleck Fifield," thought Winn.

"Now we must be still," said Aleck, when they were safe for the time being. "Hear dem a-conun' dis way." The three listened and soon made out the footsteps of the approaching party. They soon passed on up the road. "We've fooled them," whispered Sam. "But, oh, Aleck, what does it all mean?" "It means dat yo' uncle an' Dick am prisoners took by a lot of rascals under a tall, Frenchman."

He was all for going to the red house and interviewing Agatha herself, but Aleck refused to let him do that. "She's worn out and gone to bed; you can't see her. But it's straight, you take my word. We must catch that scoundrel and bring him here for identification to be sure there's no mistake. And if it is he, it'll be hot enough for him."

"Aunt Martha says he waits on dad, hand and foot; morning, noon and night." "Well, Aleck ought to be willing to do something for this family in return for all we have done for him," answered Tom. Despite the excitement of the day, the two boys slept soundly.