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'Well, they come in very handy, said I. 'I'd better go at once and show it to the old gal, 'adn't I? he asked. I told him, by all means; and he was gone upon the instant, gleeful as though to a game of football. I took up the paper and read carelessly on, my thoughts engaged with my immediate danger, till I struck on the next paragraph:

"Oh, it aren't the disapp'intment, Peter I found one corp', an' that's enough, I suppose, for an aged man like me no, it aren't that it's findin' ye eatin' your breakfus' just as if theer 'ad 'adn't been no storm no, nor yet no devil, wi' 'orns an' a tail, a-runnin' up an' down in the 'Oller 'ere, an' a-roarin' an' a-bellerin', as John Pringle said, last night."

He kissed her hand, and looked as though he might have gone even farther than that if it 'adn't been for the crowd " "That will do!" said Robin sharply, a sudden flush mounting to his cheek. "Very good, sir. Shall I get the bags down for the porters, sir? I beg pardon, sir, " to one of the three surly gentlemen who sat facing the travellers from Graustark, "my fault entirely.

So, ye see, the poor man 'adn't no chance to do anything 'owever much 'e might 'ave been minded." "Poor beggar!" ejaculated Leslie; "he must have had an awfully rough time of it. And, evidently, Turnbull and his pals do not mean to take any chances which makes the recapture of the barque without a fight somewhat difficult. However, I believe it can be done; and, anyhow, I intend to try.

"I'm going to tell the skipper." "Tell 'im," says Jimmy. "I don't care." "Then you'll be searched arter you've stepped ashore," says Bill, "and you won't be allowed on the ship ag'in. You'll lose it all by being greedy, whereas if you go shares with us you'll 'ave two 'undered pounds." I could see as 'ow the boy 'adn't thought o' that, and try as 'e would 'e couldn't 'ide 'is feelin's.

Grimstone 'ee'd ha' managed it for me. I'd a' worked extra I could ha' done it if it 'adn't been for Timothy. If you'll 'elp an' you'd oughter, for yer are my 'usband, whativer yer may say we could pay John back some day. Yo' can go to 'im, an' to Watson, an' say as we'll pay it back yo' could, Isaac. I can take ter the plattin' again, an' I can go an' work for Mrs.

And I shouldn't ha' been able to come if I 'adn't found five pounds wot she'd hid in a match-box up the chimbley." "But wot'll you do when she finds it out?" ses Sam, opening 'is eyes. "I'm going to 'ave the house cleaned and the chimbleys swept to welcome her 'ome," ses Mr. Goodman, taking a sip o' whiskey. "It'll be a little surprise for her."

Cutts. "I should ha' thought the smell o' roses would ha' told you I was near." Bob Pretty scratched 'is 'ead and looked at 'im out of the corner of 'is eye, but he 'adn't got any answer. Then 'e sat biting his finger-nails and thinking while the keepers stood argyfying as to who should take 'is clothes off and go into the pond arter the pheasants.

He thought it wos all over with 'im, and wos in sich a funk that he came down 'ead foremost, and would sartinly 'ave broke 'is neck if 'e 'adn't come slap into my buzzum! I tell 'e it was no joke, for 'e wos fourteen stone if 'e wos an ounce, an' " "Come along, Ruby," said Dove, interrupting; "the sooner we dive too the better, for there's no end to that story when Dumsby get off in full swing.

The likes o' us ain't a-goin' to grow no vi'lets an' snowdrops in Llanbeblig churchyard." An' I sez to her, "What a d d fool you are, Poll! You never 'adn't a gal as went wrong through you a-drinkin', else you'd never say that.