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Spike has come in here a'ter the schooner's chain, that he dropped into the water when he made sail from the sloop-of-war, at the time he was here afore, and is not expectin' to find us here. No no he thinks we are beatin' up toward Key West this very minute, if, indeed, he has missed us at all.

We met only last evening, just a'ter I had left your own agreeable mansion, Madam Budd, and says he, `Spike, when do you sail? `To-morrow's flood, Jones, says I his name is Jones; Peter Jones, and as good a fellow as ever lived. `Do you go by the Hook, or by Hell-Gate "

Yes, yes; it's not pleasant, I will allow, to see them that's more comely, and more sought a'ter, and honored than yourself; but it may all be borne, if a man looks the evil in the face, and don't mistake his gifts and his obligations."

"Never do to mess it a'ter all His trouble." "Give us your hand on it!" said the old man. "And you too, sir, if so be a common sailor might make so bold." The old sailor and the young shook hands feelingly: the two soldiers followed suit. "Don't forget you're a Black Borderer, my boy," said the Parson, one hand on the rifleman's shoulder.

So it was not so bad a'ter all, only that a woman shouldn't act without her husband but you see, Mary, all this would not have happened if it hadn't been that I overheard part of what was said; and you might now have had a mother, and I a wife to comfort us, if it had not been for my unfortunate hearing so, as I said before, there's more harm than good that comes from these senses at least so it has proved to me.

"I should feel heart-whole, if so be as yow would throw the noorse a'ter the bottles, and the 'pothecary a'ter the noorse, and oorder me a pound of chops for my dinner, for I be so hoongry, I could eat a horse behind the saddle." The apothecary, seeing what passed, retired of his own accord, holding up his hands in sign of astonishment. The nurse was dismissed in the same breath.

D'ye remember the time, Admiral Blue, when you thought to luff up on the old Planter's weather-quarter, and get between her and the French ninety on three decks, and how your stu'n-sails went, one a'ter another, just like so many musherrooms breaking in peeling?"

Before she could answer me other than by a slight nestling closer in the darkness, Bungay whispered: "This yere hole, Cap, leads down ter the right, an' comes out in a sort o' gully 'bout a hundred feet back. Thar's light 'nough ter see ter walk by a'ter ye turn ther corner 'bout twenty feet er so.

I can only tell you what I said; I do n't pretend to know how much he believed." "Heave ahead what next?" "Then I told him we went to Kamschatka for gold dust and ivory." "Whe-e-ew! What did the man say to that?" "Why, he smiled a bit, and a'ter that he seemed more cur'ous than ever to hear all about it.

"A'ter all, it's much better being snug here in this little cabin than shivering with fear and cold under old Abershaw's gallows; and Tom, you scamp, if ever you go gunning again I'll disinherit you." "What have you got to leave, father, except your wooden legs?" replied Tom. "Your's would be but a wooden-leg-acy." "How do you know but what I can `post the coal?"