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"Florence did? Where'd you see Florence?" Mr. Rooter swallowed. "A little while ago," he said, and again swallowed. "On the way home from school." "Look look here!" Herbert was flurried to the point of panic. "Henry did Florence did she go and tell you did she tell you ?" "I didn't hardly notice what she was talkin' about," Henry said doggedly.

"Where'd you and your Old Man be but for us? In a blasted steel tank, floating about on the bloomin' sea! What's a ship without insides?" The Captain's boy, who was fourteen, and kept his bath sponge in a rubber bag, and shaved now and then with the Captain's razor, retorted in kind. "You fellows below think you're the whole bally ship!" he said loftily.

Where'd she get all that money she's been flamming about with, and that grand house, better than new, with all the latest improvements. Wa'n't we some jays to be took in like we was by a little, white-faced chit like her? Couldn't see through a grindstone with a hole in it! Bolton House.... And an automobile to fetch the old jailbird home in. Wa'n't it love-ly?" A low growl ran around the circle.

Tad rode well up with the leader, sitting in his saddle like a veteran, taking obstructions in their path with jumps that some of the party balked at and rode around. "Say, kid, where'd you learn to hit a saddle like that?" called one. "Does my riding please you?" inquired Tad. "I should say it did. You are no tenderfoot."

Bobbsey had told a little more about the new houseboat, he went back to the office. "Come on, Flossie," suggested Freddie. "Now you've found the book straps, we can hitch Snap to the express wagon. Where'd you find 'em?" "The straps were on our books, under the hall rack," said Flossie. "That's just where I left 'em!" exclaimed Freddie. "I knew I left 'em somewhere."

And then Jimmy Gaynes rose up from behind that rock and laughed at me. "'The joke's on me! said I, and reached down for my gun. "'Better leave that! said Jimmy pretty sharp. I know that tone of voice, so I straightened up again. "'Well, Jimmy, said I, 'she lays if you say so. But where'd you come from: and what for do you turn road agent and hold up your old friends?

This in its turn inspired in others a feeling towards him that to save my life I can only describe as love love in its big sense. He'd swear like a pirate at the Dagoes and they'd only grin back at him where'd they'd feel like knifing any other man. And when Dan learned that Anton' had lost his boy he sent down to the house a wreath of flowers half as big as a cart wheel.

"Well, sing out," said Jarrow. "Thought I'd speak to ye about where I'd bunk, sir," said Peth. "Didn't we settle that?" demanded Jarrow, with considerable surprise. "Not to my tastes," said the mate. "What's the trouble?" "I thought I'd take my gear out, if it's all the same to you, sir." "Out where?" "Out of that room, sir." "Where'd ye want to bunk?" "I thought I'd bunk for'ard.

Just then Madeline looked up and saw something dangling on the end of the kite tail. "Why, Herbert!" she cried, "what have you there? Oh, you have my Candy Rabbit on your kite! I was looking all over for him. Where'd you get him?" "I found him here in the field where you dropped him," answered her brother. "I didn't drop my Candy Rabbit here," went on Madeline. "I wouldn't do such a thing.

Hit mighty nigh come out on de odder side!" "Got enough?" The game was suddenly ended by a barefoot white boy approaching Robbie. Johnny Doyle carried a dozen teal ducks, six in each hand. They were so heavy for his hands that their heads dragged the ground. Robbie rushed to meet his friend. "Oh, John, where'd you get the ducks?" "Me and daddy killed 'em this mornin' at sun-up on the river."