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Alternate hope and fear lent strength to our arms as we drove the light boat along, and soon we came in sight of the wharf. There we saw a ragged looking individual, smoking a very short and black clay pipe, with one arm in a sling, who seemed to recognize us, and waved his hat vigorously with his well arm.

Ere the echoes of his voice had ceased lamenting into the distance, they found themselves alone on the wharf. 'He opened like a bat! said the stranger. 'His shadow was red! said Farina. 'He was off like an arrow! said the stranger. 'Oh! pledge of my young love, how could I lose thee! exclaimed the youth, and his eyes were misted with tears. Guy the Goshawk shook his brown locks gravely.

He is settled down in Maoriland now, in a house of his own, and has a family and a farm; but somehow, in the bottom of our hearts, we don't like to think of things like this, for they don't fit in at all with "Auld Lang Syne." There were six or seven of us on the wharf to see our next mate go. His ultimate destination was known to himself and us only.

They walked out on the wharf, and were wholly concealed from shore by piles of cord-wood and staves. "I like to get off here, away from listeners, where I need not be bellowed at and tire out well-meaning lungs. Now Jericho! Jericho!" he sneezed, without any sort of meaning.

At last all the things were taken out of the Industry, so that she floated very high up in the water and the top of her rail, which the sailors look over, was high above the wharf. And Captain Jonathan and Captain Jacob came out of their office to speak to the mate. And the mate said that the Industry was all unloaded; for he was rather proud that he had got all those many things out so quickly.

Having thus made ready the sacrificial altar, he took the long-handled dip-net from its nail and descended the bluff to the wharf. The lobster car, a good-sized affair of laths with a hinged cover closing the opening in its upper surface, was floating under the wharf, to which it was attached by a rope. Brown knelt on the string-piece and peered down at it.

"Would you mind taking something for Jake? It is a pick-handle which we brought from the wharf last night in our boat. We often bring things for him and he does the same for us. It is a new one, and he may need it. It is right there on the verandah." Douglas found the stick and placed it over his shoulder, bade Nell good-night, and plunged forth into the darkness.

By dark of that Christmas we shot into Folly Cove in Placentia Bay and came to anchor off John Rose's wharf. And the Aurora's crew were there helping John, and there was the load of herring John had promised. And he thought I'd come for the herring, but I hadn't not yet.

I am sorry the fire has gone out in the old ship's stove in that sky-blue cottage at the head of the wharf; I am sorry they have taken down the flag-staff and painted over the funny port-holes; for I loved the old cabin as it was. They might have let it alone!

Some said they wore masks but this was an unproven rumor. Broderick, brooding on these things one afternoon, was suddenly aware of many people running. He descried a man hastening down Long Wharf toward the bay. "Stop thief!" some one shouted. Others took it up. Broderick found himself running, too, over the loose boards of the wharf, in pursuit of the fleeing figure.